• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



Hope Seliah will be back up fully functional today. She was off to a good start with her laptop recovery last night.


In my tiredness last night I failed to mention that TigerDirect.com is one of the companies we used to order stuff for the hospital, so it's been around awhile, and is dependable. I was starting to fade a little last night and didn't mention that when I made the suggestion. That's why I dealt with them to purchase my Win7 refurbished drives.


If I can finish up all my data back up today, I need to tackle re-doing the Dusk pose and get back on track with that project. I triple back up my runtimes since I really don't like having to rebuild those from scratch. I used to do that whenever I switched computers...until I realized I could just copy them to an external drive and copy them back on to any hard drive that I was setting up for a workstation. So I keep two archive copies on large external powered drives, and one work copy on a portable drive that gets updated more often. So what I'm doing is updating everything now...and it takes awhile when the drives start to fill up...can't just copy the whole batch at one time, since a nearly full drive will give prompts like "drive full, you can't put all that in here!"...haha. So, for now I'm stuck doing it by hand...and hoping my drives will last me another year since it's not often they need extensive backup.

I've set up a runtime with just dynamics, since I'm finding that I'm fascinated with dynamic clothing....when it works right, I really like the results.

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
I've set up a runtime with just dynamics, since I'm finding that I'm fascinated with dynamic clothing....when it works right, I really like the results.

Yes, dynamics are fun. But they can be tricky. I'm working on a set of Greek drapes for my own use. I'm not sure if I'll ever get them cleaned up enough for others though.

View media item 1201


Nice :) Things like drapes, tablecloths...things used in still life arrangements, draping fabric...it would be beautiful, if one knows how to get control of it.

I found a cloak for M4, called a dynamic fantasy robe, on sale that I'm going to try...it has an option in the materials for no hood, so I'm going to see if it will work as an outer garment for some middle eastern outfits. I believe it's made by the same one that created the Rachel tunic and shawl that worked so well, so I have my fingers crossed :)

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Morning everyone. :)

Computer now has a working Windows 7 install running on it. Today I have to get all the drivers and programs reinstalled before I can go back to work on anything.

GG - Yes, I do remember Macs around that time being pretty cheap. Unfortunately, by that time I already had a working pc, so I wasn't in the market for a new one.

Sky - I do any dynamics with DynCreator, yes. It's a good solution for the moment. There is another, non-Optitex plugin being worked on. Hopefully, they are able to bring that to DS, because I really want to be able to safely - legally - be capable of distributing DS dynamics.

The DynCreator route has it's benefits (being able to convert anything we want to dynamic), but it also has it's down sides (not every mesh works well as dynamic). I also am still just learning how the advanced dynamic controls work yet, too, though. In some ways, I think Poser's dynamics are easier to work with. In other ways, the Studio ones are easier. Each case is different.

Well, I'm going back offline for a while. Need to get drivers and such installed on this pc, and have to get some housework done here, too. Hope everyone has a good day. :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Well, heck. Miss B, do you remember BASIC? LOL! I wrote very simple computer programs in that... VBasic came out and confused me, but eventually I figured it out.

And then there was COBOL... *shudders!*
OMG, how did I miss this post. ~scratches head~

Yes, I did a semester of BASIC, and programmed a small backgammon game as my final project.

You didn't like COBOL??? I did 4 semesters with COBOL and, to this day, still prefer it. Yes, extreeeeeemely wordy, but it was plain English that's always easier for the beginner programmer to understand. BASIC was called spaghetti code for a reason. Unfortunately, I finished my degree before COBOL went OOP.

The only VB programming I did was writing macros for M$ Word, when my firm switched from DOS computers to Win95.

I also did a semester working with the MVS JCL and the CUNY mainframe. That was fun, but only because I finally got to print out my programs on the large printer's lined computer paper in the main computer room next door.

It took another 4 or 5 years before I started programming in CGI, JS, PHP, MySQL, etc. for the Web.


Finally got done with the backup, and did my taxes at the same time...so now I can hit the reset button on my brain and get busy again on the projects I have planned. :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I had my taxes done on Monday. I was glad to get them done, as it'll give me some money to spend on "extras" like 3D products. :D


Running a few sims this evening...posting these for GG in the morning. First is the Joshua robe, an oldie from Rendo. This robe didn't tolerate any twisting of the waist or extreme bends....even with constraints, it would tear apart at the waist. It's okay for a standing pose, at least with my limited experience so far :)



...and for a first run, this did fairly well. It's Bionic Rooster's free M4 robe with the sale dynamic fantasy robe. I had intended to use the outer cloak without the hood, but it looks so cool, I'm wondering how to keep the hood from passing through the hair. This would make a good Star Wars costume as well.

Thought you'd want to see these GG...may give you ideas for future projects for Dusk :)
