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The Story Tellers Thread


Nice render of the Rookie Carey, and don't worry about the typos, we all make them. ;)

I have a college degree in commercial art, so I like to where the hat of illustrator, course that is when I am doing art work, when I am writing I have other names I use...lol

Sometimes however I do things that border dangerously on being fine art, this is one of those works. Often also my work is heavily edited in photoshop, more then a few times, my renders end up more digital painting then render.

Is that wrong?

Is there some invisible line you cross where you are a a bad renderer and a great digital painter?

Is there a name change involved?

Can I post my work at 3D sites or should I search out or make a place for digital painters?

All good questions,

I have retouched enough photo's that I know how to spot touch ups in advertisements and complete make overs...A trained eye is hard to fool. Now I am almost certain the advertising agency got paid and I just bet the photographer got paid. The point is any more a CG artist doesn't much care what you call them as long as they get paid.....lol

Now I did this here as a comment to you Miss B is because I assumed you commented here because you knew others would be reading my reply to you and that I might as well speak to them too...lol

Don't worry I don't require you to raise your hand if you need to be excused during class, I just stop typing and wait for you to get back...lol

Yes I am picking fun with you, pardon my dead pan delivery...lol

Getting back to the lesson....

between those of us that use photo's in the back grounds with our renders or use some program to create a background we all have the same identity problem. What do we call each other...ah if you had been listening I am suggesting the name CG Artist. Least that is how I am going to refer to it here, now those folks that make those great digital abstract picture, you are just going to have to come up with your own name I official claim this one.... lol

A lot of this picture has been modified from the rendered image, in fact almost every part of this render has been modified I cut out the sky, I reworked the colors....I adjust the light and the contrast. I did this more a number of reason the least of which was to create contrast. I did it also to create distance or to make the foreground "pop" a little more as you might want to say instead.

There we'll take a "brake" here I know all you said Miss B that you like my render but I heard a question in there somewhere and I hope I answered it for you....:)


I am a story teller, there is no getting away from that, no wonder what I do write here is going to be as full of story, but I am going to try to pass on some of my meager knowledge some where in all the poor man's philosophy and story telling. Work posted here will not be critiqued, that is not what is to be done here. Half the time most of us go all left brained when it comes to creating, by discussing how you did this render or that render there will be a great exchange of idea's that will benefit everyone.


Contributing Artist
Sounds great to me Carey. I'm a bookworm, but I find it hard to put my thoughts in writing so I love it when others do :)


Contributing Artist
Just saw this as I've been at work all day...great to come home and see not only the renders but also the back story and some information about how they came about. One of the things that my renders are often missing is a story behind them. I think that when this back story is fleshed out properly it adds more depth and detail to the renders. Seliah does this really well also...enough said for the minute...I'm going to sit in a corner and lurk.


Sounds great to me Carey. I'm a bookworm, but I find it hard to put my thoughts in writing so I love it when others do :)
Gee that is just how we got into this situation isn't it? I am an experimenter, I read the book and then throw it away... lol No, mainly I am hands on, let's see what happens if I turn this dial or use this in a way the book doesn't talk about. You know I had that problem in college, could barely come up with 500 words for those SA's they required in English. Then one day The teacher had me stand up and read to the class what I wrote, they all laughed, not at me but at and how I wrote what I did...See dog gone it you got me to spinning a story and to try and save you a very long story I have told a half dozen different ways I have been doing it ever since....

Oh by the way I love your icon....


Contributing Artist
Thank you *blush* its a digital clone of myself
(I changed the body to one that I want, not the one I have but the face is pretty much me, I used FaceGen but modded a skin to get it close as FaceGen skin sucks :p)

I got into trouble at school when I had to do a 500 word essay and I told the teacher "why do I have to write rubbish when I can say what I want in a couple of paragraphs" :)

Looking forward to see more of your writing and renders (as well as more of the "Once upon a time" thread, I was really getting into it and then it stopped)


Just saw this as I've been at work all day...great to come home and see not only the renders but also the back story and some information about how they came about. One of the things that my renders are often missing is a story behind them. I think that when this back story is fleshed out properly it adds more depth and detail to the renders. Seliah does this really well also...enough said for the minute...I'm going to sit in a corner and lurk.
I can't say there is any thing wrong with working that way I just don't work that way, actually I see all my renders as a scene in a movie. I had intended to work my way towards sleep, but I ran across a render I never finished so here I am working the night shift...


Contributing Artist
I tend to experiment with making morphs, clothes etc...sort of what if type moments. These will often lead to a render but only occasionally do I see them like a scene in a movie or a book. Good luck with the night shift...


Thank you *blush* its a digital clone of myself
(I changed the body to one that I want, not the one I have but the face is pretty much me, I used FaceGen but modded a skin to get it close as FaceGen skin sucks :p)

I got into trouble at school when I had to do a 500 word essay and I told the teacher "why do I have to write rubbish when I can say what I want in a couple of paragraphs" :)

Looking forward to see more of your writing and renders (as well as more of the "Once upon a time" thread, I was really getting into it and then it stopped)
You mean the rest of the book, because that is what it would have turn into. It is hard for me to write less then five or six pages once I get going, You would think I am crazy the way I work... I am at present working on both mac and PC. I am rendering on two of them right now, watching a movie on one and writing on another....


Contributing Artist
If it turned into a book maybe it could be an illustrated one and we could all do renders for it :)


One of the things I am asked very often is why and how come my subjects are so many and varied and where do all these different ideas come from...

My life would be so much simpler if I would and a great deal more profitable if I would just finish a project before moving on to the next. By that I mean to write the story, illustrate it and call it complete. Problem is my mind refuses to be tied down in that way. Sometimes the story that comes first, sometimes it is the art, well I say art, No I see myself as an illustrator. Yes, perhaps my work does have five art elements to it, but I am driven to tell the story and not in any way to be any kind of mystical.

I tend to get bored easily and trying to sit down and say Okay I work going to work on this project until it is ready to go to the publishers is like being given a jail sentence, and besides there seems to be a revolution ever five years or so in digital software and I want to have that cutting edge look to my work.....

Truth be known, when I finally give up and hit the final render for the last time, the work is already a work of compromises where either I was not smart enough to figure out how to do something or simply did not do it very well. I am very highly critical of my own work, if fact I have never produced a render I do not hate or at least grow to hate. What I did yesterday bears no real relationship to what I feel capable of today.

At any rate most of my renders start with a good deal of play. It generally starts with designing a new character and by the time I finish getting the character designed I have an idea of the story to tell with my creation. In a very real sense my characters talk to me and through our conversations a personality emerges. A scene energies and I start trying to figure out how to fit the image I see in my head onto a computer scene. This usually consists of trying to take a whole world that I see in my head and trying to miniaturize it, realizing I am going to have to compromise or settle for less then I imagined things to be in my head.....

It helps to have a little talk with myself and bring myself back down to earth with the realization I am not god's gift to illustration and that even though by now I am seeing in my mind a whole animated movie for this new character , I am going to have to pick a moment in that movie to illustrate..

What comes out and end up on screen is never the best I can do, it is always the best I can do at that moment or in a reasonable amount of time...


Okay I thought I would share this, well mainly because I want you to see how incredibly clever I am....lol

The idea of doing a render that was nothing by itself...See I came up with the idea of re-working the texture of a fly, tried using him in a render, it was to say the least un impressive, make that a capital "UN". I tried a bunch of flies, now I had Amitiville, threw a couple of corpses in and again...unimpressive...Not even mediocre. Ah, how about a story about a fly, I didn't know many fly stories and to be honest flies are just not all that inspirational.

Six months later a fly lands on my computer screen, it didn't know it, but it had hit me right in my funny bone. Alright, let's call it what it was, being bored to death waiting on a render...

Any way enjoy....



RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
LOL, Carey!

I was waiting for "And then I work up from my dream"..


Well it was late night, but I don't usually type very well in my sleep....Thanks for stopping by to enjoy my work......


The punch lines come to me easy, perhaps too easy, the hard part is setting up the punch line and how well I manage to do it. Thanks all, you make writing fun...


Generally when I make comments, it's a combination of satire and subterfuge... It think subterfuge... I should probably look that word up or something, but anyhow... Generally I'm trying to be funny while at the same time getting a point across or asking a legitimate question... I think there is a word for that, but for now, I'll just call it being stupid.
But perhaps it's the lack of sleep, the fairly stressful and rotten past two weeks or the fact that we are all out of coffee and apparently I'm the only one properly authorized to to purchase coffee in this house and lack of caffeine in my bloodstream has rendered my thoughts muddier than normal... So please forgive me for asking this...

Is this a thread for storytelling, or you are the storyteller and this is your thread and we are supposed to critique your work?

Sorry if I missed the point... I'm guessing it's the latter one, though not necessarily with critiquing...

The title made me stop by here... Then I read the original post and discovered someone finished all the coffee and all hope of me understanding anything at all for the rest of today went out the window.
It's probably all wet too, because it just started raining a minute or two ago. When things metaphorically go out the window, do you envision them just going out the window and landing on the ground in a pile, or more like taking off like zombie virus infected monkeys from a secret government lab?
I probably shouldn't be asking a lot of questions, but I frequently throw stuff like printers, cell phones and bread makers that refuse to make bread, out windows, so I tend to visualize stuff that metaphorically goes out the window as plunging to its doom and crushing to death drunk squirrels who happen to be sleeping off a hard night of partying, under your window.
That was unnecessarily long... Sorry.

Your picture is nice... Especially if it was rendered in Poser 5. I like the idea of "Elephant Boy"... I would have titled it differently, perhaps "A boy and his elephant"... But to be honest then I'd make up a story to go with it that involved how the boy and the elephant fell in love and their parents didn't approve, so they ran away together and lived in the jungle where they started a successful lumbering company and eventually got into making new age "primitive" style furniture, which in turn brought them huge success, but caused a strain on their marriage. The elephant eventually left the boy, who was now a young man, because she felt he was no longer attracted to her because of a scar on her ear which she received in an altercation with a tiger over a parking space. The elephant ran away to Paris to pursue a career as a misunderstood elephant painter. Eventually the young man (I feel like I'd have named him "Keanu") realized that all the monkeys in the world could not buy him true happiness... I just realized my iPad turned money into "monkeys"... But I like that better, because if you think about it... No matter how many monkeys you have, they will never bring you true happiness... Sure, they'll throw poop and entertain you with their capering, but true happiness involves more than monkey poop fights...
Where was I?
So anyway Lazlow... Sorry, Keanu, decided he really loved Bhavini (the elephant... Bhavini, allegedly means "emotional" in Hindi) and no matter where she was, he'd find her... She never told him where she went, so Lazlow, I mean Keanu, had to search across the world to find her, which ironically would have been much easier if he had read the news paper like Bhavini was always telling him to do when they were first married, because she had become one of the world's most famous elephant artists and was even elected as mayor of Paris for her role in thwarting a terrorist plot to steal the Eiffel Tower.
Eventually Lazlow... Forget it, he's Lazlow now... Eventually Keanu, I mean Lazlow made it to Paris after spending all his money searching the world for Brenda... I mean Bhavini... As he lay under a bridge, freezing, he wrapped himself in newspaper and found a picture of Berlinda, I mean Bhavini in the headlines... He had no idea what it was about, because he had neglected to learn French before traveling there, but he saw her in the picture and how happy she looked (really she hardly ever smiled anymore, but at the moment of the photo, she had just farted and it was more of a smile of relief and embarrassment), so Harvey... Uh... Lazlow, decided to go back home. The next day after packing up his newspapers and rags he set off on his journey home back to the jungle. As Lazlow, I mean... No, it was Lazlow, I finally got it right... Well, actually not counting Bert... No, Kent... No, Keanu.... But anyway, as Larry crossed the street, Barbara's motorcade ran him over. Britany leapt out of her limousine and picked up the battered Lenny... She began to weep uncontrollably and overcome with grief, she threw herself off the bridge (this is happening on the same bridge Lawrence slept under).
Louis, who was not actually dead, just really dirty and unwashed and a little bit stunned from being run over by a limousine with an elephant in it, came to just in time to see Becky plunge over the side. Lamar jumped to his feet and dove after her, just in time to catch her before they hit the water together and drowned because neither of them had ever bothered to learn to swim.
Their tragic romance became world news and diverted attention from the investigation as to how an elephant could have gotten elected mayor.
Eventually the citizens of Paris had a bronze plaque placed in that very spot and to this day, lovers from all around the world come there to tragically drown themselves, just like Lashon and Bailey.

But.... Um... Yeah... I suppose your title was better, mine was just too tragic and stupid.

I guess I have taken up too much of your time... I'll go back into exile now...

I was pleasantly surprised to see this response, I liked it, but as most writing it takes me time to consume it...lol I guess I was thinking I would sort of lead this little corner, but you know no body died and made me god, not even of this little tiny corner. Perhaps we should just let it be a story tellers corner and let it take what ever shape it wants....


The Grocery List:

Peanut butter- smooth but not too smooth, remember I don't like jiff, I don't care if it is on sale or not, I don't care for the texture as you might remember

Monetary cheese- check to see that the white and yellow cheese are evenly distributed and of equal size and amount........

I seem to be a total prisoner of my muse right now, If I start to write I want to keep writing, I like to just start writing, starting out to say nothing much but to just get it going and see where it leads, It is particularly enjoyable just to enjoy the flow of it, but it always slowly but relentlessly turns into a some kind of story..I rarely set out to write twenty pages at a time. It is just ideas start flowing and I can't stop. You might think it strange but I actually get excited about what the ending will be like. What you think a writer sits down with all that in his head? Course not I just start writing

Then the problems start. I mean I can see the story start happening and unfolding in my head, but wait a minute, my actors are all talking in punch lines. sort of like the big bang theory only on steroids. and I start seeing just the scene endings where the punch lines are delivered and then I see the opening scenes, all the while my right brain is trying to set up the scenes, arranging flowers and adjusting stage lights and the like.

And just as if it isn't already busy enough in my head, a third and fourth character walk into my story and suddenly I am choking on dialog, The right side of my brain wants to pencil in changes to the dialog and then read it back to see if it makes more sense and it is desperately trying to get my left brain to think things out a little more, but no, no, no , "Left brain wants punch line now."

I mean left brains are just that way, I mean you are just trying to write something that makes sense and there is the left brain going all incredible hulk on you, and it is never we really should do this here and connect the two scene together, no, it is always, "Me do this now!"

Needless to say when I get all left brained, it is pretty much all over, you know let him go ahead we'll clean up the mess and try to make some sense of it all later.... One has to wonder though, see like I said with the right side of the brain it is always “we” will do this or that... Left brain? It is all me do this, me do that, not even a polite “I” will do this, “I” will do that...No, it is “ME”

It all leaves me no choice but to assume I have discovered the source of the human ego... I mean after all I write mainly humor and it is not likely anyone likely to allow me to go mucking about inside some ones head to locate the exactly part of the left brain the human ego is indeed located in, but There is where his crib is at...I mean this was just a thought experiment on my part, but we have researched it and we have discovered that our discovery is just a likely explanation as any of the studies we have looked at...

Oh I didn't tell you...I always assume people can just tell, I mean there is no reason that I should have figured you knew really, I mean I myself didn't know until late one night sitting in a lawn chair having drunk a bottle or so of wine talking to my dog...It is just one of those things you assume it is the same for every one and there is no need to explain, but on that night, the way my dog looked up at me as I slurred out my thoughts to him, I knew things were a little different in me then in most people...

Well, it is like this, I am Caucasian for all more visual purposes. My left brain? Well, he is a bro, an illegal immigrant in fact, has English for a second language...

We guess we had better finish what I started out to do, The wife is going to start yelling for the grocery list any minute.... The wife hates when I write the grocery list for some reason...


Tonight while my next render is cooking we are going to take a look at two of my renders....


LOL, yes I had fun here... I like taking images from my childhood and bringing them to like as only I can imagine them. Right off be sure to zoom in on the tin man in the second render, there is a lot going on there you might miss other wise. I wanted to show hundreds of flying monkeys, but still wanted my characters to be the central figures, 3D is all a matter of compromise when it comes to making a scene in 3D. I always keep in mind, I am not making a render, I am making a movie and these are my stills from that movie...lol

It is so much fun making up stories or finding new ways to tell old ones I feel I am letting out a secret that should somehow be kept secret, least there is a whole generation of story tellers in the making...lol Yes that would sure be a night mare...All that imagination at work....why, it might, gasp, mean renders in an art museum...lol

any way, I'll write more later... Take a close look, there are a few surprises to be found here....lol