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Getting used to new habits for Coronavirus....


I wanted to pass this along from a recent news broadcast (CBS News).

A interviewer talked to a person in a hospital recovering from CoVid. The patient was asked if he now wished he took the vaccine. The patient adamantly said no, he still wouldn't. When asked why not, the patient stated the drug is still released as an experimental drug.

They then cut to a doctor who chuckled (apparently when told what the patient said): "Half the drugs used to cure people of CoVid are also released as experimental. Yet patients will take them."

The report also covered the statistics that hospitalizations in the US are on the rise - mainly due to the Delta variant. More than 98 percent of those hospitalizations are unvaccinated people and 100 percent of current deaths are unvaccinated people. The conclusion is that the current vaccinations do provide protection against the Delta variant and reduce mortality rates.

I realize the issue has become an emotional mine field. However, I would think that at some point logic would kick in.

Oh, well. I'm preparing for the return of mask mandates (which will fuel the fire more). Organizations and companies are putting policies in place that require CoVid19 vaccinations. (We have already covered this aspect here.) And we will still probably not get the virus under control (IMHO).

That, in general at least, that relects the situation we have in the UK although I don't think the resistance to the vaccine or mask wearing was as strong there. Unfortunately Covid is no different to many situations in that some people will believe something to be true no amount of logic will shake that view. Social media makes it worse as they can look for, and find, reports and information that support their view. I really feel sad for them and annoyed at the people who are taking advantage of them for political or personal gain, or both. The one difference with Covid is that people with anti vaccine beliefs are quite literally dying off.

The other factor that people do no realise is that Covid is an ever changing problem. At the start of the outbreak it was people over sixty and those venerable as they were already sick, today in the UK around 90% of those catching the virus are between 20 to 29 years old. One reason for this is they are in the section of the population that the vaccine has yet to become available for but it is also because the latest variant is far contagious than previous strains.


Project end, the diamond painting is now framed and hung just as most people think I should be :).

The End HW.jpg


@Hornet3d Absolutely correct. Just like the 'standard flu', the bug changes. Each year the flu vaccine research attempts to keep up with the modifications and we get a flu shot annually. It's the rate of change from one to another variant that makes the matter more critical with CoVid. And as you point out, the latest variant takes hold easier than previous. However, those vaccinated have at least some protection and improved chances to fight the virus if exposed.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Awwww. Snow Leopards are my favorite Big Cat. I'm not surprised, especially for animals at a zoo. I can't see them having a vaccine for animals in the wild, but animals who live in zoos are more tame, and they come in contact with more people who can give them the virus.


Awwww. Snow Leopards are my favorite Big Cat. I'm not surprised, especially for animals at a zoo. I can't see them having a vaccine for animals in the wild, but animals who live in zoos are more tame, and they come in contact with more people who can give them the virus.
The article said, a troop of gorillas was infected too. I think it was by one of the zookeepers.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes, I saw that. It mentioned he was infected, but had no real symptoms. I've heard that it's more common than you'd think where folks have such a mild case, they don't know they're sick.


Ferrets, weasels, big cats, small cats, primates, mink and more. They all can, and do; catch CoVid. Our zoo here has inoculated some of their animals against CoVid, and a lot of creatures, like the new born tiger cub; are not available for close public display. Mink farms in Scandinavia, Europe, and North America have had outbreaks. Some farms were completely euthanized in the beginning because they did not know what to do. The mRNA vaccines are not species dependent. That is not the way they work. Viral Vector vaccines, such as J&J; I am not so sure of.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
In March 2020, WHO data suggested 80% of infections were mild or asymptomatic. But, we really have no idea how many people had such mild cases of COVID they didn't know they were infected (and infectious).


In March 2020, WHO data suggested 80% of infections were mild or asymptomatic. But, we really have no idea how many people had such mild cases of COVID they didn't know they were infected (and infectious).
I'm sorry, but I'm done with WHO. I wouldn't believe them if they told me the sky was blue and the sun was hot.


Contributing Artist
So the health minister in charge of dealing with Covid has now tested positive for the virus and will be isolating tomorrow when the rest of the UK so say celebrate Freedom Day. The same app that pinged over 500,000 people in the last week telling them to self isolate has now pinged those ministers that have been in contact the health minister. They however will not be isolating as they have the option to carry on but just keep testing. It clearly not a question of one rule for them and different for us, well except for the fact that for the vast majority of the UK population this is not an option. At the same time some sections of the London underground had to close yesterday due to lack of staff as so many were in isolation.

Despite all this the legal requirement to wear a mask and social distance will be lifted tomorrow with the recommendation that people should ' do the right thing'. If this were a work of fiction no one would believe it, sadly, this is not the case and from tomorrow those of us trapped in the UK will have to live it.
Is this the same idiot who told people to stop cowering in fear on twitter the other day?
I'm sorry, but I'm done with WHO. I wouldn't believe them if they told me the sky was blue and the sun was hot.
Sorry to hear this Earl. When I worked at CSL years ago I knew many virologists who did work on their behalf and I will always have respect for the people in the field of virology and eipedemoligy(not sure if that's the correct spelling) It's such a shame that the shareholders in WHO(all the countries who belong to and support it) have allowed for it to become a political football.

On a postive note, Victoria and South Australia look to be getting their Delta outbreaks under control. Victoria had its 2nd day of no known cases infectious in the community which is huge. My main concern now is that the idiots who all protested on the weekend didn't set us back. Talk about irony, doing the thing that is more likely to keep you in lockdown longer to protest being in lockdown.

To everyone who is in lockdown at the moment stay safe....


Is this the same idiot who told people to stop cowering in fear on twitter the other day?

Yep, it is the same guy, his intentions were fine but his choice of words were more than a little insensitive. It did not help that this comment was made when the whole of his government is under pressure over the latest handling of the pandemic. With the much prompted Freedom day behind us most of us are seeing empty shelves in the supermarkets along with travel restrictions, refuse and recycling bin collections moved from once a fortnight of once a month, Police are saying that they cannot meet normal response times and meat and food preparation factories are saying their turnout is dropping. This is all because the NHS app is telling people to self isolate, 600,000 and counting at the last report, so many in fact the government has decided that certain key staff can ignore the ping and continue to work. Problem is the exemption is not automatic as the companies have to nominate their key staff and then apply for the exemption. The biggest complaint against this is that it is one rule for one and a different rule for others accept that the exemption is too bureaucratic and thus unworkable. Against this background I am not at all surprised the at the negative, and widespread condemnation, of the cowering remark.


That, in general at least, that relects the situation we have in the UK although I don't think the resistance to the vaccine or mask wearing was as strong there. Unfortunately Covid is no different to many situations in that some people will believe something to be true no amount of logic will shake that view.........

From my point of view.
Flu jab.
I have been advised to have the flu jab due to my age/poor health for the last 6 years(or so). I did have the flu jab about 4 years ago, but less than 2 days later came down with serious flu symptoms. I was in bed for best part of 4 days. When next at GP I mentioned that, and told it was not the flu, but flu like symptoms. I did ask as to what can give such symptoms other than flu, the topic was quickly changed (the only way to know if someone has the flu is to have a test).
I think it was the year later that the flu jab being given was for the incorrect type of flu.

The first country to release a covid vaccine was the Russians (sputnik?). There was many news items(print/web) saying how dangerous it was to release a vaccine without lots and lots of testing over extended period of time due to possible long term side effects.
Not long after, with lots of flag waving and "world beating" announcements, the UK released a vaccine using emergency powers. The only way the pharma would release the vaccine was if they where immune to prosecution/civil action which the UK gave them. The law was also changed so the NHS could not have any action taken against them for giving the vaccine. So all risk where put on the patient. Allowing to be given the vaccine gave implied acceptance of any/all side effects known/unknown now or in the future. It is worth the risk they say.

I did get a phone call about going for the vaccine jab, and I was going to go, as I thought I would be going to my GP, but was told I needed to go to a clinic which is about 5 miles away. Too far for me to walk (due to poor health). I was told to take the bus (no thanks). That was the only place in the city I was told was available. (what also annoyed me was that it is a private clinic)

Oh well, I will just continue to do what I have been doing for the last 4 years or so, but with added ffp2 mask when in shops.


From my point of view.
Flu jab.
I have been advised to have the flu jab due to my age/poor health for the last 6 years(or so). I did have the flu jab about 4 years ago, but less than 2 days later came down with serious flu symptoms. I was in bed for best part of 4 days. When next at GP I mentioned that, and told it was not the flu, but flu like symptoms. I did ask as to what can give such symptoms other than flu, the topic was quickly changed (the only way to know if someone has the flu is to have a test).
I think it was the year later that the flu jab being given was for the incorrect type of flu.

The first country to release a covid vaccine was the Russians (sputnik?). There was many news items(print/web) saying how dangerous it was to release a vaccine without lots and lots of testing over extended period of time due to possible long term side effects.
Not long after, with lots of flag waving and "world beating" announcements, the UK released a vaccine using emergency powers. The only way the pharma would release the vaccine was if they where immune to prosecution/civil action which the UK gave them. The law was also changed so the NHS could not have any action taken against them for giving the vaccine. So all risk where put on the patient. Allowing to be given the vaccine gave implied acceptance of any/all side effects known/unknown now or in the future. It is worth the risk they say.

I did get a phone call about going for the vaccine jab, and I was going to go, as I thought I would be going to my GP, but was told I needed to go to a clinic which is about 5 miles away. Too far for me to walk (due to poor health). I was told to take the bus (no thanks). That was the only place in the city I was told was available. (what also annoyed me was that it is a private clinic)

Oh well, I will just continue to do what I have been doing for the last 4 years or so, but with added ffp2 mask when in shops.

I can understand your viewpoint particularly considering your bad experience with the flu jab, such experiences are what we use to define risk factors. At the end of the day living is a gamble and we take risks all the time all we can do is look at each situation and make up our own minds on how best to reduce those risks.

This however is a million miles away from certain individuals who not only make up their own minds but try to influence others based mainly on their beliefs rather than facts. Take for example the nurse that spoke at anti vaccine rally in London comparing many in the NHS with the Nazis and stating the doctors and nurses should be hung. As you quite rightly say having the jab was a personal choice hardly the doctors and nurses fault. I would suggest this is not regarded as rational thinking by many but she is entitled to her view, enforcing that on others is a different story.


Contributing Artist
Yep, it is the same guy, his intentions were fine but his choice of words were more than a little insensitive. It did not help that this comment was made when the whole of his government is under pressure over the latest handling of the pandemic. With the much prompted Freedom day behind us most of us are seeing empty shelves in the supermarkets along with travel restrictions, refuse and recycling bin collections moved from once a fortnight of once a month, Police are saying that they cannot meet normal response times and meat and food preparation factories are saying their turnout is dropping. This is all because the NHS app is telling people to self isolate, 600,000 and counting at the last report, so many in fact the government has decided that certain key staff can ignore the ping and continue to work. Problem is the exemption is not automatic as the companies have to nominate their key staff and then apply for the exemption. The biggest complaint against this is that it is one rule for one and a different rule for others accept that the exemption is too bureaucratic and thus unworkable. Against this background I am not at all surprised the at the negative, and widespread condemnation, of the cowering remark.
So sorry to hear this Hornet. I have as you probably know many relatives in England and I find the situation over there quite worrying. I hope food supplies sort itself out quickly.
From my point of view.
Flu jab.
I have been advised to have the flu jab due to my age/poor health for the last 6 years(or so). I did have the flu jab about 4 years ago, but less than 2 days later came down with serious flu symptoms. I was in bed for best part of 4 days. When next at GP I mentioned that, and told it was not the flu, but flu like symptoms. I did ask as to what can give such symptoms other than flu, the topic was quickly changed (the only way to know if someone has the flu is to have a test).
I think it was the year later that the flu jab being given was for the incorrect type of flu.
Most likely the flu symptoms were a reaction to the jab as you can have that occur. I've had similiar myself when having flu jabs and normally occurs if you already have a virus when you get the jab. I've had the flu jab for the last 20 years as I get asthma.

Many years ago now I used to work at CSL and I was in the position of seeing the actually flu injection production line and was familiar with it due to purchasing items that were needed for the production. It would be extremely unlikely if not impossible that the flu jab having the incorrect flu type would give you the flu. For starters the flu used in the jab is inactivated which essentially means that its dead and is used only to promote antibodies for the flu. The only thing it might mean is that you weren't protected against the correct strain and were protected against the incorrect strain.

I had many conversations with the virologist who helped choose which strains went into the vaccine. They choose the 3 most dominant strains and these will give you the best coverage against most of the flu strains but not all. It is possible to still get the flu but if you do the severity will be less than if you hadn't had the flu jab.

Too many people make assumptions about vaccines and spread them as fact this causes so much misinformation in our community. If you want the facts look to what the experts in virology, immunology and epidemiology have to say as they know what they are talking about.

I was reading about an American in Florida who is a trained osteopath who has been spreading misinformation and at the same time profiteering from it as he has a health food empire he's recommending to people instead of vaccines. Check that the people you listen to have the correct qualifications to give advice.

Misinformation is a huge issue in society at the moment and we all need to be aware that there's a lot of rubbish out there about vaccines.

If you have the chance to get a vaccine for covid take it...

Sorry for the rant but this is a very important issue.


Most likely the flu symptoms were a reaction to the jab as you can have that occur. I've had similiar myself when having flu jabs and normally occurs if you already have a virus when you get the jab.
Which virus would that be?
Many years ago now I used to work at CSL and I was in the position of seeing the actually flu injection production line and was familiar with it due to purchasing items that were needed for the production. It would be extremely unlikely if not impossible that the flu jab having the incorrect flu type would give you the flu.
Never said it would.

Sorry for the rant but this is a very important issue.
I certainly hope the rant is not directed at me.

If my GP/Consultants actually answered my questions and not just give some info that sounded like it came from a pharma script, then I would be a much happier chap.


Dances with Bees
Our local GP told the missus that she is probably a flu virus carrier as when she gets the flu shot it brings it out in her .. so she doesn't have it anymore.

I've never had a flu shot, so dunno.

Had the two astra jabs with no reactions to either of them, not even a sore arm. o_O :D


Our local GP told the missus that she is probably a flu virus carrier as when she gets the flu shot it brings it out in her .. so she doesn't have it anymore.

I've never had a flu shot, so dunno.

Had the two astra jabs with no reactions to either of them, not even a sore arm. o_O :D

I had the same reaction to the my astra jabs while my wife had a massive shivering fit the evening of her first jab but no reaction to the second.