I am really loving these WIP threads guys...top stuff and it makes me appreciate the work that goes into this and reflects the price so I don't feel so guilty about buying it. LOL Seriously though it has a positive effect in the sense of us, vendors and customers alike becoming more of a community and not us and them mentality.
oh and great work Chris...you got some skills dude.
Totally, 100% agreed. Very well said, Szark.
And I so agree with you. I love the WIP threads -Chris has led the way with doing that and other CAs are doing it as well. Not everyone feels comfortable with it, and that's ok, but for the ones who do, it's great!
It's kind of funny. I remember the (for me it was) big thread over on the Daz forums back when I was making Nathan Tlaloc (he was an M4 skin). At the time, I was amazed that it had garnered so much interest, as for the most part my freebie posts over there would usually only see a couple of posts. The WIP threads really do seem to do a great job of engaging the folks who will be receiving the file when you're done.
I don't know about Chris... but for me, I like to do the WIP's partly because I think they can help newer folks learn, and partly because it gives me, as the creator, a chance to get some input from the end user. It allows us to tailor the package a little bit more to what folks would really like to have in it.
I feel that it engages the rest of the community a bit better if they can have some input on things and sort of help shape up how a product goes together. It gives them a little bit of a hand in what ends up going into the store... becomes a sort of community project, and I like that. A lot.
Chris... dayum, what more can be said? LOL I love your WIP threads; I love watching the progression of your modeling, and no matter how many of your threads I watch, I am always mindblown at your modeling skills. I also love the fact that you have such a good understanding of anatomy. It's so hard to pair that understanding with the actual modeling part of things, and you do it very, very well. Loving this gorilla, too, and can't wait to get my hands on him!
Keep rockin' the models. We're loving them!

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