Title: Butterfly Thoughts and Pegacorn Dreams
Dawn, Artistic Pose
HiveWire Horse with Winded Horse, Unicorn, Show Off Poses, Take Off Poses
Silvi Jewelry for Dawn from Renderosity
Age of Armor Free Butterfly, with MLM Textures
My background done in PD Howler
Postwork in PD Howler
Feeding My Muse Inspiration: My muse is a pegacorn (my own title for it). It sends me images and words in fragments like butterflies that light for a moment and then fly away, if I don't write them down fast enough. They circle and flit, many colored, shaped, and sized. Until I manage to catch one, if only for a moment, a moment caught in time and space to one day be immortalized in song or story or art. So many ideas that will never been seen. So many will pass beyond the rainbow of memory. Perhaps they may visit someone else's dreams one day. Until then, my pegacorn muse will continue to bestow multitudinous fleeting thoughts upon my soul, my heart, my mind's eye in a glorious profusion of Summer-hued butterflies, as I sit by the Stream of Consciousness, near the Lake of Contentment, below the Hills of What Will Never Be.