Denver Broncos won. I don't much care about football, but friends of ours have a sort of social gathering thing each year for the Superbowl. This is funny, because as near as I've evet been able to tell, the only interest they have in the whole circus is bets placed on silly stuff like how many points will be scored by the winning team, or how many penalty flags will the refs throw down during the game...LOL The rest of the time they usually just spend socializing.
Anyway. I am home now. Wishing I had not shut down my computer before we left... it's been trying to boot for the last hour and a half. And now, it's finally booted, but the damn thing keeps hanging...
I an apparently still trying to fix the problems caused by the Poser graphic driver crash. Task manager continues to hang, UI hangs, unhangs, then hangs again, disk keeps shooting up to 100% with nothing even open.... sighs I don't even know what to do with this anymore, and I'm kind of wishing now that I had not tried to do Nataani's Poser conversion... that's what caused all of this.
At this point, I'm about ready to try and do a complete reformat... which is not fun, because this laptop has no actual cd/dvd drive. She was beautifully stable until Poser crashed the graphic driver... she's been barely useable ever since. :/
And now, apparently the damn thing requires a scan and repair of the internal HD after a full system lock up! If I have to do a complete refomat/HD wipe just to fix the damage P10 caused, then it's probably safe to say that I will never install another copy of Poser higher than Pro2010 on this OS again...