• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread


Another little bit of kit bashing. This is the CKV01 suit with a subtle mod and different boots.

CB CKV01Mod HW.jpg

I always have problems when it comes to footwear to go with action suits, high heels don't look appropriate and trainers also look out of place. Nothing wrong with the boots that come with CKV01 mind but I wanted a stripped down look for some more general adventures. I finally came up with these that seem to provide a futuristic compromise.

CKV01 boots HW.jpg

These boots came from an outfit called Cyberia by Nikisatez and Ravenous which I purchased in 2011 and they were for V4. They have been converted and now have superfly shaders from Vince Bagna. I love being able to do things like this, not so much because it keeps my investment but because it allows me to create something a little different.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Very nice Mytho. I haven't tried using any of Fabi's hair on PE as yet, as Joe/Netherworks isn't available to make a preset for his Hair Conversion System. I happen to use Kiriti a lot (looks over at avatar), as it's easy to style nicely.


I still think Dawn beats PE in the looks department.
View attachment 34177

View attachment 34178

I agree, I liked the sound of PE when first the idea was floated some years ago and was really looking forward to the release. Many things have happened since and maybe I have just become more used to Dawn but I think Dawn has the edge. I still like the idea of PE and she does look good and any new figure looking that good has to be a plus to the community. The big question now is what is the support going to be like, just as any new figure.


Dances with Bees
I am still waiting for the dust to settle. There is a lot of excitement surrounding her release, more so than most of the other figures I've seen come out. I wasn't around for V4, so I have no idea about that, but there is a flurry of activity on the other forums. Her images have taken over a lot of threads.

I don't have her, and may never get her. There are a lot of things she has that interest me, like the control handles, but yeah... Dawn has her in the looks department.

Knowing ero, she probably has all the right stuff for making the sort of comics he does. He has even admitted that the whole things started because he wanted things the other figures couldn't give him.


Dances with Bees
I agree, I liked the sound of PE when first the idea was floated some years ago and was really looking forward to the release. Many things have happened since and maybe I have just become more used to Dawn but I think Dawn has the edge. I still like the idea of PE and she does look good and any new figure looking that good has to be a plus to the community. The big question now is what is the support going to be like, just as any new figure.

My gut tells me that PE is overly complicated for the load, pose, render crowd.

Her rigging is innovative and very different, but the choice to do familiar things in a different way is going to frustrate users. For example......I spent hours going through every folder connected to PE looking for the ability to turn off the handles after I had already used it once. I knew it was there, I used it! And, for the life of me I could not find it until I read a forum post that reminded me that the handles off is now on the parameters tab. That just seems needlessly complicated.

The same is true about changing her lip color. I still haven't figured that one out.


My gut tells me that PE is overly complicated for the load, pose, render crowd.

Her rigging is innovative and very different, but the choice to do familiar things in a different way is going to frustrate users. For example......I spent hours going through every folder connected to PE looking for the ability to turn off the handles after I had already used it once. I knew it was there, I used it! And, for the life of me I could not find it until I read a forum post that reminded me that the handles off is now on the parameters tab. That just seems needlessly complicated.

The same is true about changing her lip color. I still haven't figured that one out.

That innovation seems like a two edged sword, some will like the changes while other may find in gets in the way of being creative. It will be interesting to see where things go from here and it will be interesting to see which artists use PE and how.


Dances with Bees
That innovation seems like a two edged sword, some will like the changes while other may find in gets in the way of being creative. It will be interesting to see where things go from here and it will be interesting to see which artists use PE and how.

Agreed. It will be interesting to see what kind of following she develops. I'm in wait and see mode myself.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
The same is true about changing her lip color. I still haven't figured that one out.
See my screenshot below. Just change the Input_2 color to the one you want, and up the Blending from the default so it shows up more like lipstick. In this quick render, I think I had disconnected the Alternate_Specular, rather than just adjust so it's not too shiny. Of course, it all depends on how the lights hit her face, as some will give you more shine, especially in SuperFly, than you might want.



See my screenshot below. Just change the Input_2 color to the one you want, and up the Blending from the default so it shows up more like lipstick. In this quick render, I think I had disconnected the Alternate_Specular, rather than just adjust so it's not too shiny. Of course, it all depends on how the lights hit her face, as some will give you more shine, especially in SuperFly, than you might want.

View attachment 34194

That makes sense but I am not sure how many users will go that deep but then I am probably talking about the load, pose and render crowd Glitterati mentioned.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
True, she takes more patience, and as a member of the beta team, I've had a while to play with her, so I've discovered things others might not find right away.

The same is true as far as hiding the body handles, as I couldn't find them at first, but someone asked on the Beta forum, and Ero told us they were in the Parameters, which I NEVER would've guessed otherwise.


Dances with Bees
See my screenshot below. Just change the Input_2 color to the one you want, and up the Blending from the default so it shows up more like lipstick. In this quick render, I think I had disconnected the Alternate_Specular, rather than just adjust so it's not too shiny. Of course, it all depends on how the lights hit her face, as some will give you more shine, especially in SuperFly, than you might want.

View attachment 34194

Wow, cool, thanks! She really does need some color in her lips and I agree the specular needs to be tamed as well.


Thank you everyone!

Yes! PE is innovative but isn’t that what 3D is all about? It’s that innovation which steers progress and advances our chosen media. She isn’t for the load, pose and render set as much as the artists amongst us who want more (and that’s what we are, isn’t it?), including the ability to take our work further with a figure which enables us to do just that!

Now, I freely admit that I tend towards the load, pose and render set myself, at least as far as stepping away from the purely visual side of 3D is concerned. I have neither the time nor patience to start learning new techniques just to create the clothing, textures, materials etc. I need to create the images I want. There are other people out there who can do that far better than me and that’s why I find that ‘wait and see mode’ disturbing. There is a prime example of that right here at Hivewire in the form of Dawn (and Dusk to an even greater degree!). Dawn is way beyond V4 in many ways but how does she stand in the market place? Simply by looking at the output for V4 (since Dawns introduction) compared to Dawn will give you the obvious answer to that which is not anywhere near as highly as she should be by now. Dawn is head and shoulders above V4 so why is she so far behind? I suspect that the answer to that is because too many vendors are in ‘wait and see mode’. Yes! I know there are vendors creating for Dawn (albeit very few at the present time) but not as many as there should be. However, that attitude could also be interpreted as fear of stepping outside of your comfort zone, which can only lead ultimately to failure because it tends to stifle innovation and that should be the last thing anyone with a love of 3D wants!

Equally disturbing to me is the attitude that PE having genitals makes her somehow not worthy of attention:

‘Knowing ero, she probably has all the right stuff for making the sort of comics he does. He has even admitted that the whole things started because he wanted things the other figures couldn't give him.’

Why, oh why, do I get the impression that that comment should have ‘snigger, snigger’ after it in brackets!

Yes! She does have all the ‘right stuff’ (in common with the worlds female population) but not for the reasons suggested. In fact,, rather than extend an overlong reply even further, I would suggest you go along and read why Ero created PE which are certainly not for the reasons you seem to assume. The good news is that all the documentation comes free along with the PE Demo version, which includes all her rigging so you can try before you buy (or not which is your choice). At the end of the day, that’s just a matter of common sense. To do otherwise can only result in the sort of uninformed, dishonest and spurious comments which have caused such ill-feeling on other forums about Dawn versus V4.

Looks are a matter of personal preference of course. For myself I like the girl-next-door look she has in her basic form as well as her fuller figure which, to me, makes her much more realistic, though bear in mind she does come complete with thirteen other characters covering ethnicity and fantasy which makes ringing the changes simple.

All of which is a matter of personal choice. I spent a few days playing with her Demo before I bought her for no other reason that I was so impressed with her and I’ve been buying precious little these days because of the sparsity of products for Poser. There are some areas which I find bothersome. For example: turning collision off on her multitude of handles when using dynamic clothing. (Don’t try to do it by hiding the handles because Poser takes that as also hiding the relevant body parts, unless you like to watch you’re carefully set up clothing slide floor wards!). On the other hand, that’s part of the price you pay for innovation isn’t it? Progress has a learning curve and learning goes with our chosen pastime, doesn’t it?

Edited to add:
Hair intended for V4 fits pretty well in most cases with only very minor adjustments for x and z scale plus equally minor adjustments for y and z trans. Fabianas KiriTi on the other hand fits perfectly which I'm delighted with because it's also my go-to hair style. The only tip is to double-click rather than drag and conform which simplifies any adjustments. Poses intended for V4 also work well!
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Dances with Bees
Mytho, that's a bit unfair to be honest.

I have stepped up for every figure ever made for Poser except Scarlet. And, what all the work for Roxie, Rex, Miki, Anastasia and all the rest got me was laughed out of the room.

I have a good following with my product base for the Hivewire figures and I have no intention of stepping up this time. Others can take the risk, for once.

I have a lot of concerns about Project E, and did not publicly voice them anywhere. Because I so resented when folks like Erogenesis did it to Dawn. I will politely keep my mouth shut and hope she does well, honestly hope.

As for the sniggers, Ero has an equal following to me with his porn figures and comics. There is no reason to make that some bad thing, especially when he included ovaries with his 3D barbie. That's his customer base and he has every right to cater to them. More power to him.

But, yes, I will wait and see if Evolution develops a following and stay right here in my comfort zone that I have worked hard to establish with Dawn and Dusk.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Poses intended for V4 also work well!
Yes, I was playing with one yesterday, and was surprised how little I had to tweak, though most of the tweaking was done to hands/fingers, which I always do anyway, and her feet/toes. Otherwise, the pose translated fairly well.