That's pretty lousy... I'd be really bothered if couldn't take pictures of my kids in a play or show of some sort.
I think a lot of imagery history will be lost now that almost everything is digital... It sounds weird, because it's extremely cheap to take good pictures now, but people tend to treat pictures cheaply, and store and file them badly...
I know folks who delete whole bunches of pictures for some stupid reason and regret it later... Also lose them or don't back them up well.
We'd be so screwed if there was a sizable enough solar storm... Not enough to be lethal to the planet, but enough to screw up servers and such.
Though I've read it's debatable on both sides, as to what is protected and what is not, as well as if that is a possibility in so far as if it's bad enough to fry a significant amount of electronics and still be survivable.
The prohibition on photos is pretty harsh and sounds like another one of those "burn down the house to kill the rats" solutions our wise officials on both sides of the pond keep coming up with.
They could at least offer professional or "official" photos for family and performers...
My friend owns a dancing school... So in the past since film cameras generally needed a flash to produce a decent low light photo, parents and attendees at their shows were forbidden to use flash cameras, as the flash could result in distraction and a fall... But at least the school offered a professional video and photos of the event.
I'd have hoped if someone is going to forbid photos they have some service of a similar nature available... Otherwise that's pretty unfair and shortsighted.
I agree with what you say about such knee jerk reactions...
People have to go to extremes... They overreact or they act recklessly...
One of my daughters was watching some YouTube videos by a well known young YouTube star...
She mostly does gymnastics, but it's not like it's at shows, its at home with friends in her room and some stuff is borderline inappropriate in private, nevermind making it a public video...
And some stunts are actually dangerous. It's fairly clear her family is allowing it since they pop up and egg her or her friends on in some videos.
My daughter actually pointed the weirder videos out after a conversation about dumb behavior by parents.
I see stuff like that, (and it's not uncommon on YouTube) and all I can come up with is "what the hell are you thinking?"... But I'm suppose it's mostly "this will surely get more views"...
You have two vastly different ends of the spectrum...
Overreactive or absolutely lax... Too often anything in between is too sensible to attempt.
Sadly, it's always one of two ends that either writes the rules or bangs the drum the loudest.