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Sneak Peek - Hair Conversion System Pro


Contributing Artist
Sorry to hear that she has passed away. That is really a great loss to lose such a talented person.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes they had a huge thread of posts at Renderosity, and someone started one here in the Meadow > Condolences subforum.

I have a ton of her products, and yes she was extremely talented.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
OK Joe, I've read the HCS Pro Guide, and I'm still a bit confused. Do you do a Full conversion for an .hr2/prop hair, or do you use the Partial conversion? I'm having a problem, but it may just be the hair, because Jessi is smaller than Dawn, and I think V4 as well.


Contributing Artist
You can choose either. There are cases with figure hair where a full conversion will not be successful due to extra body parts in the hair.

The difference between the two is that a full conversion creates brand new files, the partial version creates a morph target instead.

If the hair is for V4, for example, and you're converting to Jessi, you'd use the V4 to Jessi magnet set.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes that's the magnet set I loaded up. I'm trying again, and we shall see. Maybe a different prop hair will work better. I don't want to create a morph target, as I don't want to resave the original file. I'd rather have a totally new one.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
OK question. I was able to convert a prop/.hr2 hair from V4 to Jessi with a couple of minor adjustments as it didn't sit exactly where it should, but they were minor, and I think if I resave it, it will always fit her correctly.

My question now, and this has nothing to do with the HCS Joe, but there are no morphs for this hair. What the vender did (don't recall at the minute who created it), s/he add a .pz2 to "hide the bangs" in the front. How would I get that to work now for Jessie's hair? Would I just copy the .pz2 and .png to PP11 and Jessi's Hair folder, and then go in and edit the .pz2 to look for that hair instead of the V4 hair? I have the PFE, and use it often, so it shouldn't be too hard to do.

Other than that, I can't think of any other way to get that to work. In fact, I'm wondering why I didn't think of that when I originally converted the hair to V4 with HCS 2014 last year. Hmmmmm . . .

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
OK, here's a render of the prop/.hr2 hair I converted to Jessi. I did resave it with the adjustments, and then closed the scene. Then I opened a new one, loaded up Jessi, and loaded the hair, and it parented to the right position, including the saved adjustments, so that's good. :)


Now to play with the Hide the Bangs .pz2 file tomorrow and see how that goes. ;)


The Margician
Contributing Artist
I just tried two hairs so far and had no problems. I hope I can play a bit more with it later today.

I have no problems to send it to the Creator's Toybox in Poser Pro 11.

Star with her "new" Reinoa Hair by April.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Yes, good call Traci. That might be the reason. Now to check it out further.


Contributing Artist
HCS Pro fixes:

- HCS Pro will now load into Creator's Toybox

- Support for Full Conversion of Head Props.
-- Must be parented to the head or there is a warning.
-- If there are child items attached to the prop, there is a warning.
-- In all cases where a Full conversion will fail, it is likely that a Partial will work.
-- For stiff props, hair picks, chopsticks and the like, it might still be a better idea to eyeball them and just move them into place and save back out that way.
-- You may still get a Poser confirmation box asking to save as "smart parent". Just say yes. Indeed it is annoying.

- When working with prop hair, you can browse props or hair when looking for the donor.

- If you are converting a hair that is saved is a prop but still uses figureHair internally, it will be saved as a hair (hr2). You can manually change the extension to pp2 if you wish.

- Support for embedded geometry in prop hair and props. It will export the item itself as a geometry, you just specify a folder. OBJs are optimized (removal of normals, mtllib reference, groups cleanup, etc).

- Better at remembering used folder names, hopefully. Can remember last used prop, prop hair and figure hair source and destination folders. Might require a conversion run to update the preferences.

- Updated guide for spelling mistakes and clarification.

New Link for Core: Dropbox - NWS-HCS_Pro-Core_b2.zip

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Now to play with the Hide the Bangs .pz2 file tomorrow and see how that goes. ;)
Well, turns out I didn't have to edit at all. Evidently it's a .pz2 file because there's a transmap applied to hide the bangs and not a morph, so it was just a matter of making sure I had all the proper textures in my Poser Runtime.

Initially, I was going to my DS3A Runtime to apply textures, but now I've moved all the MAT files to my Poser 9 Runtime, and it's all working just fine. :D
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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Correct me if I'm wrong Joe, but once the HCS Pro has passed through Beta and QAV, we can then uninstall HCS 2012 or HCS 2014, depending on which version we have intalled? I'm assuming this is NOT like the old MATWriter 2012 I had to leave installed when I upgraded to MATWriter 2014.

Of course, I would copy over any templates and thumbnails, etc. to the new HCS Pro folders.


Contributing Artist
Yes, you can uninstall the (base) scripts. You can either remove it all and then re-install the scripts from your HCS 2012/2014 Add-On or leave the subfolders installed (data, templates, etc). You can remove the old guides, unless you are fond of them.

Sorting all my hair content here. Oh joy! Love dealing with "!" in folder names, yay!

Well doesn't seem like anyone's Poser is melting. That's a good thing.