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WIP Work In Progress On Eli


Contributing Artist
I did a double take Glitterati, that looked a lot like Harrison Ford at a quick glance :D

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Those may be bullhooks, which has a pointed hook on the end of them or they may be electric prods. Both were used to control / train / punish the elephant.

Yes, and I seem to remember, because it's been a long time since Ringling Bros. was here, so there might have been a sort of headdress for the elephants, but I don't recall if there was ever a leash attached. I think the folks who worked with them just had them walking in single file. At least that's what I remember.

OK, speaking of Ringling Bros., here's a photo of what I'm talking about. It looks like the men walking along with them are holding some sort of stick/wand, which may be what they use to keep them in line if the wander.

View attachment 31722

I've seen pictures of other elephants with simpler headdresses, but that's about all it seems they have on.


HW3D Exclusive Artist
LOL Traci! Thanks! (And now you know you already have him, have fun with him!:)

Cliff Bowman

OK, here's one that looks more like artwork than a photo, but it gives you an idea of a dressier "outfit" for a circus elephant.

View attachment 31723

This is indeed the kind of thing I was thinking of - and a partially conforming/partially dynamic cloth could be awesome.

Sadly, although I remember that I went to circuses as a child, that is so long ago that I cannot remember any details. None whatsoever. I DO remember my love of animals though, as that continues to this day - so the idea of making as many types of image as possible is one I'd champion.



PS if I ever do a circus-based image, keep an eye out for tiny horses or gigantic reptiles. Or possibly a giant gorilla...

Cliff Bowman

It's gorgeous, isn't it? Somehow elephants have never lost their feeling of majesty to me, and having them dress up in royal garb doesn't seem to diminish that. Did anyone else notice the bracelet?




HW3D Exclusive Artist
I agree Cliff- like horses, they can wear finery and keep their dignity.

I saw the most visually amazing movies earlier this month- Baahubali (1 and 2)

These are some of the elephant shots from it- great outfit!!!



HW3D Exclusive Artist
No, but it has been sent to Beta a day or so ago. I do still need to create some body morphs for it. Which shouldn't take too long. I'll be putting together a morph list tonight. If someone has ideas, please post so I can take note of them.

Thanks for your patience everyone.

Hey Chris!

LOL so I'll be a pest -what morphs do you have so far? Hard to know what to suggest without having an idea of what you do have in place already. :)

(Ducking and hiding now:)