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The Anchorage, Part 3


The Wicked Witch of the North
It sure was! Chris has lived there for many years and it's the very first time her lounge and front bedroom have EVER been warm in the winter.

It's a very chilly night up here on the river. A brisk southerly, straight off Antarctica is lowering the temps all over NZ and new born lambs and calves are wondering why they left the warmth of inside their mums. Poor wee things.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Glad to hear your friend's house is now a house instead of a fridge. Nothing worse than feeling cold inside your home.


The Wicked Witch of the North
No, and it's something I've always questioned. Why are our lambs and calves born in the winter? So lambs die in snowstorms in the South Island. But it's economics I'm afraid. So sad.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Holy guacamole, Rae, that is just amazing!!! I love your chutzpah! I have absolutely none! My eyes are still twitching ;)

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Yeah. It does seem to be driven by economics. Need to have the baby lambs ready for the Christmas market.

I had wondered if it was a natural occurring thing, but it appears that Out of Season lamb production was intentional.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Tsuki has found a new toy. Or rather, a new use for an old toy.

She's discovered she can crawl under an upside down cardboard box, so I woke up several times during the night to discover the noise that woke me was her crawling under the box and then grabbing at things outside the box. When I finally decided it was morning, she peeked out from under the box, saw I was awake, gave a cute little excited squeek, and popped out from under the box and ran over to me. If she were a dog, her tail would have been wagging. But cats are far more subtle than dogs :wink:

I have to admit she didn't come to this realization quite on her own. She was there on the floor, the box was beside her, and I picked it up and put it over her. But that's all it took for her to think ... HEY! This is WAY cool!!!

She's very exhausted and sleeping this morning ... which isn't a typical morning. But we had a busy night ... what with me watching the first three Jurassic Park movies.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
You're lucky she didn't go crazy when you put the box over her, and that she decided to use it as a play toy instead.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Cats tend to love to be in enclosed hidey places. When Tsuki was much smaller, I'd cut holes in a box for her to play in it. She played in it a few times, but wasn't all that into it then. So, it's been on the take to recycle bin list for some time. Except, I put it on the floor Thursday, and she immediately squeezed into it. I found her sleeping in that box the next morning. Rather funny to watch her squeeze out of the itty bitty hole.

She also has two towels in the hallway that she loves to crawl under and then attack the towels. So, I knew she'd be cool about me putting the box over her. What I didn't expect was that she would figure out how to get under the box by herself.


Contributing Artist
Does Tsuki have "spots of the week"? Chloe will sleep in just one spot for around a week, then find another spot to sleep for again another week then another etc. :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
TWC is silly today. Projected high is still listed as 99 even though they are saying it's 102.
Well Weather.com says it's 79 here, but the humidity is 55% so not that great. Yesterday it was also in the 70s, but the humidity was up to 81%. I didn't DARE go out yesterday. I suffer much more from high humidity, than I do from high temps.


Contributing Artist
at least if its just hot if you go into the shade you feel cooler, doesn't work with the humidity it gets you everywhere (I hate humidity, I find it hard to cope with too)

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Oh yes! She will adopt a spot to sleep in for a few days, then get bored of it and find another. However there are a few places that are on her permanent prime sleeping spot (like on top the kitchen cabinets).

Taeyn did that too.