Hopefully the roof won't bankrupt you. Those can be expensive to repair or replace, I know! Have a good day at work, Terre.
Lorraine, he's probably about due.... he knows I've been busting my girl balls trying to get Nataani finished, and he knew when he went to bed himself last night that I was still working on him. Oh, well. In some ways he's still a high school boy...
"Moooom did you make my lunch? Mooooom where's my keys? Mooooom..."
I love him, but I swear that's the tone of voice I hear in the morning sometimes from him! Or maybe it's just my grumpy-cause-someone-woke-me-up filters engaging.
The last time he got onto a kick of
'honey did you do this, honey did you do that, honey can you help me do such and such' in the morning, he finally got growled at... I believe I asked him if he needed me to wipe his behind, too... no raised voice
(I don't ever yell if I can help it, I hate yelling)... but one little question... he actually stopped and blinked at me. It was kind of funny... I had to remind myself not to laugh while he was in ear shot... it took him a minute to get the point, and then he stalked off to go get whatever it was he was asking me to get, because I was not gonna do it at that point.
Yeah, you can tell we've been married more than a few years... LOL
Rain sounds nice... we finally have the taste of snow on the air here. No snow yet, but the temperatures have warmed up from the 19 degrees Fahrenheit that they've been at the last day or two, and the wind had picked up yesterday... usually when we start getting higher winds, it means we have a storm of some sort coming in, whether it's rain or snow. Will be interesting to see if this passes over us like the majority do, or if we actually get any snowfall from this one.