Sooo ... Monday when I got to work, I had a voicemail from a woman who wants to buy Needless to say, I was caught a bit off guard because I couldn't figure out how she got my WORK phone number.
I did a search on me, and totally missed that the fourth result was the employee phone list for my company. A coworker pointed that out. So at least, I know how she found me. My info is hidden on Whois, but the copyright notice on my site has my name. I had originally debated using Satira Capriccio Creations on the copyright notice, but went with my name.
Needless to say, I didn't bother to return her call. I did look up her phone number and it was for a legitimate company in Chicago. The owner of that company was the same name she left. It's a "small batch dog day care by day and dog friendly events and venue rental space by night." Think dog birthday parties.
She called me again today ... at work ... and asked if I'd be willing to sell my domain since it hadn't been updated in quite a while. Well, no. It hasn't been.
What's to update? Not like I've written new poetry, or new stories. Nor have I done any sculpting or drawing. And if I were to add my 3d stuff, it would require a complete site overhaul, which I haven't felt like doing ... since it would require a LOT of time to do so.
When I told her again I wasn't interested. She wanted to know if I was sure. Yeah. I am! You see, I have other sites on that domain.
One subdomain is which is a new Remixer site and features some of my 3d art from 2006 to 2017. Remixer is DreamHost's new website builder, which isn't all that difficult. But adding images to the gallery isn't quite as easy as I'd like it to be. So, I also tried using Piwigo, which is an open source photo gallery which is a one click install at DreamHost. But, I'm not crazy about it ... at all. Although, it is easier to add images to the gallery. I just don't quite like the templates they have, and the customization doesn't let me customize to the degree I want.
Of course, when I told her I had other sites, she asked if I couldn't just port those sites elsewhere.
Um ... why? Satira Capriccio is my art "identity," and while I also have a Satira Capriccio domain now (which is for my products), I want to keep that separate from my personal websites. Not that I told her that. I just said no.
So, I wouldn't ever want to sell my domain? Nope. I wouldn't.
Maybe I should have said ... $150,000. I suppose for that much money, I could move everything to satira capriccio

I'm sure it would actually be rather easy to do.
But again ... why?