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The Anchorage, Part 3


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hi everyone! I've been very slack in my attendance, will have lots of black marks on the roll. Still waiting for the pain and inflammation in my hands to ease, I really did give them a good going over. Writing, using the computer, making my bed, almost everything is difficult at the mo, and I got a little sorry for myself for a few days. I most always get quiet when I'm feeling sorry for myself so I must be coming out of it cos here I am!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Ohhhhh, THERE you are!! I was wondering where you had gone to.

Take care of your hands Lorraine, and don't over do it.


My sympathies Lorraine. Good to know why you've been silent. I third the don't overdo it. We'll get by until you are up to being your normal self.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Love you people, you know that don't you :balloon03:

Hands are feeling lots better, it's the industrial strength anti-inflammatories I've started taking, one of those times when the BIG guns had to come out...I should have taken them a week ago. But hey ho, I'm an edjit sometimes ;)

A glorious sunny but still breezy day here, the wind having dropped enough that I'll be able to get up on the foredeck without being blown away.

Heard some calling across the water and this is what I saw from the cockpit. Followed by a huge flotilla of kayaks. Awe inspiring.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hey Pen! So so much better, I'm even thinking of starting up the gennie and having a play on the puter. Maybe tomorrow. My mojo packed her bags and moved off the boat but I'm getting tentative feelings that she's thinking of coming back home, and about time too!!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oh were they racing, or practicing for a race? Looks nice, and I'm also glad your hands are feeling better. :)


The Wicked Witch of the North
No, Miss B, they weren't racing, it was a catamaran canoe but there sure was something going on, that flotilla had to be for something big.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Glad your hands are feeling better Lorraine!

Don't you just hate when something is happening and you have no idea what it is?

They are always doing some sort of boat thingie which involves setting up tents and what not on the Parkway and on the river. Apparently, Philadelphia hosts more regattas and boat races than any other city in the US. So ... that's probably why during the spring and summer it seems every weekend they are setting up tents and there are stacks of racing shells along the river or scores of them on the river.