• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do


Linda B

Happy Holidays from me Booji and Stella. (Booji is the half-pitty and Stella is the choc lab)


Merry Christmas everyone...good work as usual Stezza and Linda. My relaunch into 3D was delayed a little because my family brought my instruments to me...guitar, keyboard and drum pads for therapy, so I've been going wild...rather lively for an assisted living facility. I think the nurses have concluded that I'm a force to reckon with...haha...keeps them laughing. 68 year old body with a 28 year old mind...sort of a real life Poms movie...Diane Keaton, good for a laugh.


Thought I should take time to stop by. Making rapid progress with rehab, and I've already accomplished more than doctors originally thought possible. Am taking steps on walk without assistance and transferring successfully, also without assistance. I have a wheelchair scaled down to my height which allows for lots of mobility...and overall core strength has exceeded what had been felt possible...I lifted a very heavy piano keyboard to place it in the case. The final goal is to straighten fully upright and walk, which will take more therapy on leg muscles. Extended therapy has bren approved because of rapid progress. I've been pouring most of my time into this, and of course getting extra rest when I give completely out. Thought I should at least stop in to share progress and say hi to everyone.


Hi everyone:
All my mobility has been done without nurse assistance over the past week, including dressing and transfers. My main nurse has offered to start taking me out to local church services, which really is an incentive for me to do the work necessary to be more mobile. My therapist, after examining my legs, said that they have begun to straighten some, which helps with baby steps toward walking. I don't do as many sedentary activities now because I seem to be in a time of rapid progress with muscle strength, so I've put off launching into 3D because of it. I can do that later, and divide my time between 3D work, and ongoing exercise. I'm amazed that I'm even able to do what I'm doing now...the thought of walking again without canes or assistance is like a dream come true...all praise and glory to the merciful and faithful God.


Hello. Good to see you Sky. I also need to make time to stop by. Been focusing on things offline and forgetting to poke in.


Hey Terre...good to see you...and yes, it's so easy to get out of the loop, time can pass quickly.

Since I last posted, I walked across the floor for the first time. Up until then my walking was primarily transferring from here to there...but on the 8th of March, a friend visiting took a video of me walking across the floor. It circulated a lot as folks were cheering me on, and I've been walking every day since. After our in house Bible study, the pastor wanted to scoop me up for a return to playing keyboard. I tend to think it's a little early for that...but it's good to feel useful again.


Hi everybody...making progress with rehab. Working on things to improve balance, like standing with arm motions like punching bag, which requires letting go of walker, and also following a rolling walker for continuous gait instead of clomping along with a pause. A wheelchair equipped van was used on easter Sunday to take me to a church service...my first trip out anywhere in years. It was wonderful to leave the confinement. It certainly gave me more motivation to not only walk, but do what's required to ride in a car...even a trip to a fast food drive thru is exciting after being confined to assisted living. Most elderly folks in these places have varying degrees of dementia...so you have to be your own entertainment...otherwise you could spend months rehabbing physically while your mind slowly circles the drain...haha. When the nurses and managers introduce me to new staff, they always begin with "...she's a little different from our other residents...she has a busy mind..." Haha...really...you think so?


More progress...working on transfer onto seat of car, and using wide step stool for transferring up onto things much taller than I am, which is just about everything. I'll soon be able to make short day trips out with minimal assistance. Also getting my guitar chops back...my acoustic is a Martin Goya...never realized before how incredibly heavy it is. Not struggling as much with it now, and strength is returning to finger pick with a snap in the wrist, instead of a limp-wristed fling fling...haha. Things are slowly coming back to life that have been asleep for a long time. I'm so grateful to God for supplying the strength and will to fight through the aches and pains that accompany rehab. Just getting to the point of being able to handle my own personal care now is a major victory. Being totally dependent upon others and not seeing hope in the future of it ever changing really is discouraging. I've watched as some give up and just cry all day. The only time I felt like that is when my dear mother passed just before Christmas this past year. She was in her 90's and lived a long, good life. Grief got me side tracked for awhile. I started walking in early March which would have been her birthday. Since then I've been making rapid progress, both in rehab and healing of grief. I'm thankful for God's grace, both to will and to do what is required to get back on my feet. And I appreciate the encouragement here...it's wonderful to see my online friends here still keeping on doing what you do. Go for it and I'll cheer you on.


Hey Janet! Love the tank-mobile! Haha.
Wonderful reminder of my Jo. He finally passed just before I was hauled off to rehab. A friend of mine was caring for him...changing his water and making sure he was fed, but I think he missed the attention and time we had together. I couldn't even walk to his tank....he'd watch for me and I'd call to him across the room. Finally he just went to sleep. I missed him so much. Then I was hauled by rescue squad to hospital for lengthy stay, then rehab. Jo was such a a unique, loving little pet...and yes, he would have loved the mobile tank...then he could've gotten to me to play. Video was really a good find Janet...thanks for the chuckle!



Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Hey Janet! Love the tank-mobile! Haha.
Wonderful reminder of my Jo. He finally passed just before I was hauled off to rehab. A friend of mine was caring for him...changing his water and making sure he was fed, but I think he missed the attention and time we had together. I couldn't even walk to his tank....he'd watch for me and I'd call to him across the room. Finally he just went to sleep. I missed him so much. Then I was hauled by rescue squad to hospital for lengthy stay, then rehab. Jo was such a a unique, loving little pet...and yes, he would have loved the mobile tank...then he could've gotten to me to play. Video was really a good find Janet...thanks for the chuckle!


Oh I had no idea. So sorry.


Hey Janet! Love the tank-mobile! Haha.
Wonderful reminder of my Jo. He finally passed just before I was hauled off to rehab. A friend of mine was caring for him...changing his water and making sure he was fed, but I think he missed the attention and time we had together. I couldn't even walk to his tank....he'd watch for me and I'd call to him across the room. Finally he just went to sleep. I missed him so much. Then I was hauled by rescue squad to hospital for lengthy stay, then rehab. Jo was such a a unique, loving little pet...and yes, he would have loved the mobile tank...then he could've gotten to me to play. Video was really a good find Janet...thanks for the chuckle!

My sympathies. I think you are right. He missed you.