Like Lobo, my main go-to modeler is Blender, but I also have Silo, which I had downloaded and tried a year or so ago and liked, but as has been mentioned, it hadn't been updated in quite a while. I also found the sale price Nevercenter usually offered was more than I wanted to spend. Luckily, someone had posted on the old RDNA forums that another site was offering it at a very inexpensive price, so I grabbed it.
I happen to like doing my UV Mapping in Blender, no matter what software I use to model in, but the one thing Silo has, that I haven't seen anywhere else, is a 3D view of the UV Map. I found that very good last year when I was having a problem texturing a piece of clothing someone else had created, and it was in the 3D view of the Map that I realized the edging around the top of the bodice, and both sides of the shoulder straps, were turned in to give those edges a finished look. Unfortunately, the UV Map that came with it didn't show those turned in edges. If I hadn't opened it in Silo's 3D view of the Map, I never would've known what was wrong.
I also have a 3 year Educational License for Maya, and I've been playing in it, but considering it's probably the most expensive 3D modeling app out there, I doubt I'd ever be able to afford it. It was just something I'd always wanted to try, and this was the best way to try it, as a 30-day trial version wouldn't even give you enough time to learn the UI, as it's quite "busy", if you know what I mean.
That all said, I can do all kinds of props and environment pieces (like a castle I've been working on for the past 5 years) in Blender without a problem, but I find Silo easier for modeling clothing. Not sure why, but it just seems easier. Also, the UI is a very simple, clean UI, so some folks might find that easier to work with, than Blender's or Maya's UI, which are, as I mentioned above, busy.