The ring finger is a hard one to deal with.
A long time ago I lacerated and almost broke mine when my wedding ring caught on the edge of a structure I was jumping down from.
But, on the plus side, blood is a fantastic lubricant until it gets sticky.
Breaking the ring finger can suck.
I guess if it was the thumb, you couldn't do Fonzie imitations or hitchhike...
The pointer... I guess... point... And poke people... Nose picking would be awkward for a while too...
The middle finger... Well, I know I couldn't drive anywhere without mine... At least in NY...
The ring finger... You can't really wear rings for a while and they don't fit the same for a long while after...
Which sucks if you are a Pope or Mafia Don...
The pinky... I guess you can't daintily drink tea... Which would suck if you have a meeting with the Queen or plan on joining any high society country clubs.
I suppose whatever digit you break, it sucks...
Still better then a toe I guess...
Broken toes tend to enjoy alerting you to the fact that you let them down with ever step you take...
It's like: "Broken toe... Broken toe... Broken toe... You've got a broken toe... Broken toe..."
After a while you are like "Alright, shut up already!!"
And then everyone in the grocery store is wondering why you are holding your foot and yelling at it...
Then after a while you start gnawing on that little aluminum cast thingie they wrapped around it and eventually the doctor makes you wear one of those stupid lampshade cone dealies...
I'm not saying that happened to me, but it's sure hard to drive like that and drinking coffee is really messy.
But on the plus side you can trick kids into tossing cookies in there like basketball.
Which sucks when they eventually do throw a basketball in there and you are expecting a cookie.
I should go now.
Well, actually I wasn't entirely done...
I didn't know how to bring this up, but...
It's about the basset hound... (Which by the way if it was me, I'd be calling it a Bastard hound now)...
See, if this was a cat, I'd have...
Well... For one, asked how big are these cats that they dragged you around, and two you shouldn't watch anymore mountain lions for other people no matter how closely related to you they are.
But if it was a normal cat...
Wait... Are there "normal" cats...?
Well, theoretically...
Anyway, if it was a normal sized cat...
And assuming your porch was slathered in butter facilitating easy dragging...
Which wasn't the point, so I'll abandon that tangent...
It's the random aggressive behavior...
If it was a cat I'd ask if there was a possibility of nip addiction...
Basset hounds and dachshunds have both been known to easily become addicted to crack, but recently methamphetamines have become a problem in the basset hound community.
I'm not sure where I read that or if I made that up, but it sounds plausible given the random aggression.
You should check through the dogs suitcase and see if there is any drug paraphernalia.
If it's anything good, you might want to try it because your finger probably hurts a lot.
That's terrible advice... Now the ghost of Nancy Reagan is gonna haunt me too...
She is dead... Right?
Well, she is gonna have to wait in line...
Anyway, if you find any drugs you should tell your brother.
Unless you think he might take them...
I really shouldn't have brought this up if I didn't have any good solutions and alternative scenarios...
It's like Copenhagen all over again...
Good luck with your finger and if your brother adopts an adorable Komodo Dragon, tell him to bugger off the moment he mentions he is going on vacation.
I mention that only because in the OP you said "my brother's animals"...
And I'm just now wondering what other animals besides a sociopathic basset hound he has left with you...
I'm picturing a real Gary Larson sort of Far Side scenario....
Like there are llamas and snakes and one of those really skittish antelopes...
A whole bathtub full of piranhas...
No fish tank, just an old fashioned claw foot bathtub with wheels bolted on...
There are two monkeys sitting at the coffee table drinking tea...
There is a toucan on top of the refrigerator and a Jaguars is fighting a wild boar in the guest room, while two capybaras are getting jiggy on the sofa...
No wonder the dog went nuts.
Well, that probably isn't what's going on...
Either way, I shouldn't pry...
Get well soon.