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Remember These???


Thank you. I've been watching them since I was a kid. That's one reason why A Christmas Story isn't there. I also prefer Christmas stories that are animated or old movies.
Oddly, it wasn't a story I watched, since I kind of grew up more in the Rankin and Bass days; Christmas Story I picked up after married. At uni, one lonely Christmas on Campus (long way away from home for first time) I picked up watching "Holiday Inn" and "White Christmas". To me it's still the song from CB that does it. I have to hear that song to make it Christmas.


Oddly, it wasn't a story I watched, since I kind of grew up more in the Rankin and Bass days; Christmas Story I picked up after married. At uni, one lonely Christmas on Campus (long way away from home for first time) I picked up watching "Holiday Inn" and "White Christmas". To me it's still the song from CB that does it. I have to hear that song to make it Christmas.
I have added at least one more Christmas story to my list of annual must sees. The Polar Express. Sadly, Peter Scolari, who played Billy in the movie, just passed away a month or so back, but I really like this movie.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I remember watching A Christmas Story back when it first came out, and I thought it was a funny movie. I would never consider it a classic, and though I liked it, it has been aired to death in recent years, and certainly did not need a remake.

Of all the Classics I did see as a child, there are only a handful I really can stand watching again. Partly because every year the endless run of Christmas movies seems to start earlier and earlier, and more and more it feels like the season has lost it's magic. I don't know if this is just part of getting old, or just another sign of things broken inside me that can't be fixed. I do miss that feeling of magic and wonder I had as a kid during Christmas. I was very upset lats year when I did sit down to Watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas only to find it edited. Have we really reached that point where we need to edit Dr. Seuss?

Among my current Christmas Classics are: Scrooged, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (original animated), Die Hard, Gremlins, Invader Zim: The Most Horrible X-mas Ever (Season 2 Episode 1).
The Nightmare Before Christmas
I consider more of a Thanksgiving movie since it's timeline spans Halloween through Christmas. Sadly this too was edited from Theatre to Video to make it more kid friendly.

Other Christmas movies I have liked, but do not feel obligated to necessarily watch every year:
Klaus, Eight Crazy Nights, Home Alone (original), Polar Express, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Santa Claus: The Movie, A Christmas Carol (so many variations to choose from), Santa Claus vs the Martians, Krampus, and of course The Star Wars Holiday Special Though this one should be watched again and again.


I remember watching A Christmas Story back when it first came out, and I thought it was a funny movie. I would never consider it a classic, and though I liked it, it has been aired to death in recent years, and certainly did not need a remake.

Of all the Classics I did see as a child, there are only a handful I really can stand watching again. Partly because every year the endless run of Christmas movies seems to start earlier and earlier, and more and more it feels like the season has lost it's magic. I don't know if this is just part of getting old, or just another sign of things broken inside me that can't be fixed. I do miss that feeling of magic and wonder I had as a kid during Christmas. I was very upset lats year when I did sit down to Watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas only to find it edited. Have we really reached that point where we need to edit Dr. Seuss?

Among my current Christmas Classics are: Scrooged, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (original animated), Die Hard, Gremlins, Invader Zim: The Most Horrible X-mas Ever (Season 2 Episode 1).
The Nightmare Before Christmas I consider more of a Thanksgiving movie since it's timeline spans Halloween through Christmas. Sadly this too was edited from Theatre to Video to make it more kid friendly.

Other Christmas movies I have liked, but do not feel obligated to necessarily watch every year:
Klaus, Eight Crazy Nights, Home Alone (original), Polar Express, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Santa Claus: The Movie, A Christmas Carol (so many variations to choose from), Santa Claus vs the Martians, Krampus, and of course The Star Wars Holiday Special Though this one should be watched again and again.
Another movie, well 3 of them actually I like to watch are The Santa Clause: 1,2, &3, but that's mainly because i like Tim Allen movies. I watch Galaxy Quest whenever I can as well.


Dances with Bees
our family tradition is more for mince tarts .. which is similar

just a bunch of fruit mixed up with alcohol and made into a pie or puddings .. my Aunty made the bestest mince tarts at Christmas :balloon03:

these days we just buy premade stuff from the shops. :rolleyes:


When I Googled it, it seemed to look more like a molded thing similar to our fruit cakes! From what I've read, it was similar. It had dried fruits, some alcohol, and originally had a silver coin (sixpense) baked into it. Whoever got the coin was supposed to have good luck. The derivation of the word is said to be from French, figee, which was a fish brew of sorts in alcohol. Hmmm...I'm starting to see a common thread, and it's not the figs! :D



I love fruit cake! I know some people don't like it and I can't figure out why for the life of me!:)

My mother used to make fruit cake every Christmas.

Nowadays, I buy this,


Two things about this next picture, well, three. 1)I've never had it, nor do I think I want it. 2)Yeah, apparently, that's lime jello with avacado and pimentos. The article said it went with a tuna salad. The avacado and pimento I can see, but lime jello???? 3) My mother used to make a Jello and fruit mold for Christmas too. That's what i thought this was at first. :oops: :oops:


Remember Polly Pocket??? She came out in the 80s. I was already in my 20s by then, and yeah, still watching Saturday Morning cartoons, but well past my toy play with life. Still, I honestly thought she was one of those toys they had stopped making. So imagine my surprise tonight while watching one of my 50s monster movies, a commercial for.... Polly Pocket.:D


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Another movie, well 3 of them actually I like to watch are The Santa Clause: 1,2, &3, but that's mainly because i like Tim Allen movies. I watch Galaxy Quest whenever I can as well.
As far as the stop action animated ones go there was one I saw one year that I've never heard of since. I think the name was The Littlest Reindeer. It caught my attention because it did something the others hadn't. Noted that Vixen was female. As an animal lover that was something that had caught my attention years before. that movie probably has been buried somewhere. Vixen was suffering from the heat and Santa left her in a kid's care while he did the deliveries. I don't remember the rest of the plot.


I played all of those games. Clue is the only one I still have. I want to say they added a room or 2 to it. Remember the movie? I'm floored when I look at the year of the movie. These have to have been covered in this thread somewhere:
View attachment MTc2NDYzMDI5NTQ0ODIxOTcz.webp
I loved the silly mail :)

And my earliest fave game:

I loved the notion of secret passages, instant transport. Later it was transporters, wormholes, magic portals. My favorite part of clue, in fact, was the secret passages. I wonder why?


As far as the stop action animated ones go there was one I saw one year that I've never heard of since. I think the name was The Littlest Reindeer. It caught my attention because it did something the others hadn't. Noted that Vixen was female. As an animal lover that was something that had caught my attention years before. that movie probably has been buried somewhere. Vixen was suffering from the heat and Santa left her in a kid's care while he did the deliveries. I don't remember the rest of the plot.
I've always known and thought that Vixen was female. Supposedly, Dancer, Prancer, and Cupid are all girls too. And now, scientists are arguing that all of the reindeer are female since they still have their antlers and male reindeer lose theirs in the winter. A stupid argument since normal reindeer don't fly either. Since they're magical reindeer they can retain their antlers too.:sneaky:


My favorite board game of all time is Monopoly. I grew up with my nieces and nephews acting more like my sisters and brothers. Being the baby in my family, except for my brother Willie, who was two years older than me, I was closer in age to my nieces and nephews than my sisters and brothers. During the summer, we'd have literally all night Monopoly games.


Might as well throw in a riddle? From when you FIRST started playing Monopoly, if you ever have, can you name the tokens that were in the game. I'll start you off with the Battleship, Top hat and Thimble. I also remember a dog, horse and rider, race car and boot. I also remember a wheelbarrow. They tell me that their was a cannon, but I don't remember a cannon.