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Remember These???


Reminds me of the song Twist & Shout, but I'm not sure which version that image is supposed to represent. The Isley Brothers version is the one I remember the best, but it wasn't the first ever recorded.
The Beatles, of course! But neither is this movie scene.


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Remember this???? Way before my time, but I remember hearing it while growing up.
There are a whole bunch of wonderful dancers out there, but I never could find one that even came close to Fred Astaire, especially when he partnered with Ginger Rogers.


Remember her?????? She was a famous kidnap victim in the 70s. Daddy owned a chain of papers.
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Patty Hearst, kidnapped by the Simbionese (sp) Liberation Army and their leader, Cinque, with whom she fell in love. This was when I first heard of Stockholm Syndrome. I remember the Hearst story being continual as a child before the days of CNN.