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Remember These???


We have quite a few… actually I have quite a few, but mostly just the parts from the ones that died… technically there is usually only one working one and when it kicks the bucket, I take the switches, heating elements and cords … my wife‘s mum uses her electric kettle only 50% of the time… her and my wife tend to make tea Indian style (masala chai), so that needs a pot on the stove or the masala ingredients would mess up the inside of the electric unit.
Its funny, here a lot of shops sell ”Chai Tea”… basically meaning “Tea Tea”, because “Chai” means ”Tea” in Hindi.


Wow. The internet. I wonder if more bar fights have been started or prevented by it.

For sure, it's made it hard for father's of young kids to just make up stuff when explaining things to their kids.

German. I was O scale correct in my thinking. I wonder why 1/4"=1' was used.
The internet...useful if you know how to use it properly. Also, if you are also very familiar with a subject, it's a way to prove people wrong. Of course, as you point out, that usually ends in a bar brawl.

As for making up stuff...my grandson (he had some help picking it out) gave me a T-shirt. It has the name he calls me. It reads: "Poppie knows everything. And what he doesn't know, he makes it up."


Wow. The internet. I wonder if more bar fights have been started or prevented by it.

For sure, it's made it hard for father's of young kids to just make up stuff when explaining things to their kids.

German. I was O scale correct in my thinking. I wonder why 1/4"=1' was used.
They didn’t mention G scale… 1/22 scale mostly, but its a mess mostly going by gauge, not really scale… so you can fit a modern locomotive that’s more like 1/27 scale on a narrow gauge track for 1/22 scale steam locos.

I used to make “court models“ in H Scale (no relation to HO)… 1/25 scale or 1/2” = 1’… before everyone started doing CGI to show juries a crime or accident scene, lawyers used to commission models of the scene to demonstrate to the jury… we used 1/24th or 1/25th scale because it was a good size, especially for industrial accident scenes.
Some of the models could be pretty huge, broken down into several modules several feet in size…
It was kinda cool too because often we’d get to visit the site or climb around stuff taking reference photos.

Nobody does that kind of stuff anymore… I was told by a client that even though they were happy to start using CGI, they noticed that the actual physical models would hold a jury’s attention a lot longer… CGI just seemed to bore them once the novelty wore off and everyone was familiar with CGI.


They didn’t mention G scale… 1/22 scale mostly, but its a mess mostly going by gauge, not really scale… so you can fit a modern locomotive that’s more like 1/27 scale on a narrow gauge track for 1/22 scale steam locos.

I used to make “court models“ in H Scale (no relation to HO)… 1/25 scale or 1/2” = 1’… before everyone started doing CGI to show juries a crime or accident scene, lawyers used to commission models of the scene to demonstrate to the jury… we used 1/24th or 1/25th scale because it was a good size, especially for industrial accident scenes.
Some of the models could be pretty huge, broken down into several modules several feet in size…
It was kinda cool too because often we’d get to visit the site or climb around stuff taking reference photos.

Nobody does that kind of stuff anymore… I was told by a client that even though they were happy to start using CGI, they noticed that the actual physical models would hold a jury’s attention a lot longer… CGI just seemed to bore them once the novelty wore off and everyone was familiar with CGI.
Maybe the jurors need to see 3D holography to stay interested! :rolleyes:


We have quite a few… actually I have quite a few, but mostly just the parts from the ones that died… technically there is usually only one working one and when it kicks the bucket, I take the switches, heating elements and cords … my wife‘s mum uses her electric kettle only 50% of the time… her and my wife tend to make tea Indian style (masala chai), so that needs a pot on the stove or the masala ingredients would mess up the inside of the electric unit.
Its funny, here a lot of shops sell ”Chai Tea”… basically meaning “Tea Tea”, because “Chai” means ”Tea” in Hindi.
Nifty. Like a PIN number or RAT Test.

Always interested in things that help me sound less of an idiot :D

So "Masala" is the style of tea? A reference to ingredients and/or preparation?


Remember this????
or this???


Remember when Coke and Pepsi were in 10oz. bottles and cost 10 or 12 cents? For the record, I do know that a few years before it was only a nickle.