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Pregnancy for dawn


I came and bought the body shapes package here at Hivewire. I get Actor, I get 06abdomen, I get 01 morphs and that's it- no further. I think I need to re-download the jeans.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
They're probably one of the HiveWire Content zips. though which one, I'm not sure.


I downloaded the file new, installed both the jeans clothing file and the pose morph files. loaded the jeans- did not conform them to Dawn yet- applied the morphs-
and again got nothing. I even checked the geometry folder and the file is there. I don't know what's going on.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Downloads - Poser 11.2

Click the Download Additional Content files to get to the additional content zips. You will need to enter your Poser 11 license no.

Clothing is in the HiveWire3D_DawnBaseContent zip.


Since you have Poser 11, you can add any morphs loaded on Dawn to clothing. So if you want to use the Peasant Dress, load Dawn, inject her morphs.

Check the Parameters property and make sure Show hidden parameters is checked.
To do so, click the arrow to the right of the Properties tab. There should be a checkmark in front of Show hidden parameters.


Load and conform the dress, then with the dress selected, click Figure (in the menu), and click Copy Morphs From...


Dawn should already be selected in the Copy Morphs dialogue. If not, select Dawn from the drop down.
Click OK to continue.


You will then see a list of all morphs that have been injected into Dawn.

Click the Dawn checkbox (or click the Select None button) to uncheck all morphs.


Scroll down and find the morph (or morphs) you want to inject and check it (or all you want to add to the dress)
Click OK when you have everything selected.


Peasant Dress Loaded

Peasant Dress with Pregnancy 1 morph added.


Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
What happens when you conform the jeans to Dawn after injecting the Skinny Jeans Body Morphs INJ?

After I inject the Skinny Jeans Starter and Skinny Jeans Body Morphs INJ, this is my parameters list under Abdomen.

Are you getting any Poser messages?


I downloaded the file new, installed both the jeans clothing file and the pose morph files. loaded the jeans- did not conform them to Dawn yet- applied the morphs-
and again got nothing. I even checked the geometry folder and the file is there. I don't know what's going on.


I did download the additonal content file- that's where I got the new files I installed. I just took another look. I had never had reason to go looking for hidden dials before. I found them right where you said they were. Thanks for putting up with me. Found them, transferred them- had to load P1 and 2. But I got it. THANK YOU!!!


Thought you'd like to see the end result. Once the morph situation was resolved, I treated the peasant dress like the V3 and V4 Courageous tunic and applied a transparency map to the skirt to turn the dress into a top. Thank you all again.


  • Maken at nine months.jpg
    Maken at nine months.jpg
    111.4 KB · Views: 243


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
While this has been stated in other words, be sure to INJ the Dawn Morphs (base and starter) into Dawn, and the Clothing morphs into the Clothing.


While this has been stated in other words, be sure to INJ the Dawn Morphs (base and starter) into Dawn, and the Clothing morphs into the Clothing.
Actually in this case, the pregnancy morphs were transferred from Dawn to the Peasant dress.Then I applied the transparency map to the dress after that.


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Gotcha :) I didn't make that clear - I meant the HiveWire items that come with INJ and REM files.