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Poser props in DS and some basic DS How-to


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I've been trying to get a prop to smart prop but it never does.
The issue with saving as a scene sub-set is that for certain models, like the horse, if you parent a new tail prop, (not the original) to the horse and save as a scene sub-set it will load the horse too.
I've parented it to the horse and it will not move with the horse.
I've tried the hip and even the tail bit it still will not move with the horse.
This is odd because it works for other props to do it this way.


Contributing Artist
If I understand correctly you are trying to save a prop in DS?

I'm assuming that you know how to save by going to save as/support asset/figure/prop?

Did you tick the the parenting data? It's found on the first dialogue after you type the name to save and click ok?


Contributing Artist
Okay...I just went through the process using a cylinder. I parented it to the horse and then saved it as I mentioned above. Deleted original cylinder, loaded the one I saved and it worked no worries. I need more info to try and help.


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