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Poser moving water?


When I tried to load that material it came out as blank. No nodes.
Edit: Ooops! The MT5 is indeed empty. I'll re-do it. Don't load it as a material! :oops: It is only a group of nodes (not a complete material). Instead, *add* it to the existing water material. That dumps the new nodes into the material workspace on top of your existing water material; then you connect the ouput of the new nodes to drive the displacement. Re-use whatever nodes you had providing color, transparency, and reflection.

The advantages of using this node group (rather than the sequential JPGs) is that this is infinitely adjustable; you can cover a small pond or a vast stretch of sea; you can texture a small calm pond or a swiftly running stream; you can set the timing for an economical 8 frame per second GIF or time it for a 30 frame per second video clip.

The node group is procedural, so it is fast to render, and very economical on memory usage.


  • fbm flow nodes 2.0.zip
    1.9 KB · Views: 296
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I'll try to link a demo of the stargate "puddle".

stargate 180x180.gif


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
This is what I got.

I made both the whooshes visible. 40 frame superfly at 8.


Hmmm... maybe screenshot your render settings?

The Ka-Whoosh! (and its corona) is only intended for still shots; I was working quickly and didn't develop an animated morph and texture for it.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist

So should I leave those two invisible? There's no mesh in the middle of the stargate otherwise and I can't figure out what's going to be animated.


There should be a prop named event horizon parented to the stargate; tick it to be visible.
The puddle material loops every thirty frames.

I used these Superfly settings; for an animation you'd want to lower the overall pixel samples to maybe twenty or thirty.
stargate render settings.PNG


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Thank you Seach! I'll give it a try.

Thank you Ken! I was wondering how to make splashes!