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Particle Shop


Nice Hornet. what outfit is that she's wearing?

The outfit is actually a mix and match, the top is 'Leather Top, for Dawn by outoftouch's shirt collection while the pants are 'Dawn's Skinny Jeans' here at Hivewire. I have changed the textures to try and co-ordinate the two different items of clothing. I love to mix and match and rarely use items of clothing or scenes without playing with the materials. In this case I have used the textures for the port, which is actually Futuristic Base by Applejack, straight from the box not only because there is little shown but I tend to like Applejack and also 3-d-c textures and tend to leave them as is.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Ahhh kit bashing. I can't say I'm really good at it. I'll have to check out OOT's shirt collection. I have his Mega Wardrobe for Dawn, but don't think I have any of his other clothing items for Dawn.


It looks like you're having a lot of fun doing it too. ;)

Thanks Miss B and Pendraia.

I am having a lot of fun while I try and discover Particle Shop can do. Along with my total lack of artistic skills I am also trying to get back to working with a Wacom tablet. All of these brushes can be set so that pressure sensitivity can change the size or opacity or both and in addition the tilt of the pen can effect the direction. The size in particular has a major effect in that, at the larger sizes the brushes can almost take in a life of their own. Many brushes have the capability to change the range of colours contained in the stoke and also the number of particles. When all this is taken into account what seems as a fairly simple add-on becomes far more flexible and complex. If you save the brushes as a separate layer you can also change the effects such as adding blur and also mask and correction layers which is another area I have little experience in.

There are a number of youtube tutorials that I have watched that have given a better idea of how the brushes can be used. Most are for Photoshop but it the same principles can be used on Paintshop in most cases. While these are helpful for me they have mainly produced some ides which is why I am just playing at the moment. I think I am a long way away from the point where I want an effect and can go straight to the brush that can produce it. I hope it is just a case of practice make perfect (or passable in my case).

Dakorillon (IMArts)

Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I know this is an old thread. But PD Particles is a standalone and is really cheap. And PD Howler has come way down in price, too. Look to see more folks using them!


I know this is an old thread. But PD Particles is a standalone and is really cheap. And PD Howler has come way down in price, too. Look to see more folks using them!

I purchased it a while ago and thought it was a good price. I did not use it much because, at the time, my old graphics card could not handle some of the features. You have reminded me I need to have another play now I have upgraded.