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Odd sleeping patterns


Does anyone else except me have odd sleeping patterns? It's 4.15am here, I went to sleep about midnight and woke up about 45 minutes ago and can't get back to sleep. So I did what I usually do on nights like this, picked up my phone and started texting friends who are also awake. Then I went downstairs and switched the internet on (my Mum switches it off at night so we will go asleep), made some posts here and there and am watching some CG tutorials on youtube. I won't be able to get back to sleep if I get back in bed, I will be wide awake until morning.
That's not unusual for me, several nights a week I only get 3 or 4 hours sleep. I'll probably feel wrecked tomorrow, my last Friday of freedom before I go back to school on Monday. :(

Does anyone else here have nights like that?


Contributing Artist
4.15am is morning :p

(I'm up most days at 5am but it can be as early as 3am if I can't sleep, if I lie there for more than 30mins wide away I know I'm not going back to sleep so get up)


It comes and it goes, Bonnie. You're not alone. I still pull an occasional all-nighter on the weekends. It's because young and still filled with energy or you're smart or you're worried about something. I say smart because your brain NEVER shuts off. Some of us are over 60 and all that time our brain has been working. At least you're doing something constructive with your time. Interesting that some of your friends are already up and awake enough to text with at such an early time. Cultivate these friends, Bonnie. The older you get, the fewer friends you have. I can discuss politics, finances and girls with my male friends but who can I discuss Materials for my favorite 3D figure, story idea's or the story of Inuyasha? Still, don't be afraid to try. When I was making my comic I was stunned to find that Sweetheart could draw Sailor Moon in the original style. Thank goodness for the Hive. It allows me to have friends with a common interest from all over the world.

Wait till the recurring dreams set in. You won't even know they are recurring for a few years.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Oh, most definitely. I don't know how people manage going to sleep by 10:30 and manage to sleep till morning! Me ... if I call it a night before 1 am, I'm awake by 3 am. I finally managed to establish a pattern of going to sleep at 1 am and waking at 7:30 am. Though weekends ... um. Yeah. I'd stay up till 3 am or later. And still be awake around 7:30 am. Which is probably why during the week, I was able to sleep 7 hour or so during the night.

For some months now though, I've been falling asleep in the evenings and napping for an hour or more. Of course, that means I'm awake by 1 am or thereabouts. So then, I either watch something on the Kindle or work on the computer until I'm tired enough to fall asleep again. If I'm not ready to sleep again by 4 am or so, I will get a cup of milky chai ... which being all nice and warm is generally soothing enough on the tummy I'm able to fall asleep. I suppose a nice warm cup of milk would do the trick too ... and I'd not have to frantically run to the bathroom in the morning :wink: But, I love my chai.

Some months ago, I read an article that the normal sleep pattern for people before the electric light was to go to bed after the sun set. Sleep for a few hours. Then wake up, make a few babies (or other meaningful activities) and then go back to bed and sleep until sunrise. Since that article, I no longer fret if I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep.

Most of the time, I'm not exhausted the next day.


I never heard of chai before Satira. I just googled it up and it seems like something I should try. The local supermarket has it in stock, according to their web site.


I don't think I have sleep patterns anymore. Up late most nights, sometimes all night though I always manage to pick the little one (Lucy) up from school when mom's working. Usually working on an image or reading. I know it's usual for older people to need less sleep but I've been like this for most of my life. Sleep happens when it happens! :sleep:


Before I was 20, I could stay up most of the night and party. Go to bed at am and be up at 7am for school, and later work. Once I hit 20, I started looking at the clock as it approached midnight and wondered how many hours sleep I would get befoer I had to get up and prepare for work.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I soo look forward to the day when I can live by my body's needs and not by a clock!
I've been doing that for years, and I LOVE IT!! I remember that first Saturday after I retired and woke up, walked into the living room, stared out the windows, and said to myself . . . "this is the start of the rest of your life", and I stood there grinning from ear to ear. :D

James R.

Busy Bee
I used to be a night owl, especially when I was a young teen, and on even into my 30s. It's still my default body clock setting. But I've found that I have to keep a regular sleep/wake schedule, or it plays havoc with me.

Right now I've been getting up every two hours in the night, like when my kids were babies 20 years ago.

But this time it's because of my geriatric cat. She's 16; her kidneys are slowly failing and she needs water regularly, and she's starting to lose her vision so she needs help finding the water. So I get up with her when she comes looking for my help.

If it was even ten short years ago (you know you're old when ten years is relatively nothing) I could handle it with no problem.

But the sleep deprivation, the fractured sleep, is seriously wearing me out. For example, my concentration is -- wait, what was I saying? And my temper is JUST %*^&#ING FINE!!!

Ahem. Sorry.

I've even had to learn how to nap again. And weirdly enough, I haven't napped regularly since I was a teen.

In Matthew McConaughey voice: "Time is a flat circle..."


Contributing Artist
I found this rather Humorous !


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Well I can't confirm. It states Scorpios only need 1 hour of sleep???? Make that 10 hours or I'm done in totally, though I have managed on 8 hours when absolutely necessary.


Contributing Artist
Me too...I'm a Libra and my wife is a Gemini; I can confirm the accuracy of these charts! :roflmao:
LOL is your wife keeping you up all night? Just kidding!! =)

Well I can't confirm. It states Scorpios only need 1 hour of sleep???? Make that 10 hours or I'm done in totally, though I have managed on 8 hours when absolutely necessary.
Possibly they left off the zero?

I'm not quite sure how accurate this is, but just thought I would check and see. However, I would love it if things were reversed and you could stay up all night and sleep all day!! ........... I'm so much more of a night person.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I am too NA, and often wondered why I didn't switch from the day shift at the law firm to the 3rd shift, especially since I drove to work, and it was much easier (and cheaper) to find a parking spot late at night. For some reason, I just never really considered it.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Scorpio is dead on for me!

I'd never work evenings or nights. Those are MY hours. No way would I ruin perfectly good hours by working!