Does anyone else except me have odd sleeping patterns? It's 4.15am here, I went to sleep about midnight and woke up about 45 minutes ago and can't get back to sleep. So I did what I usually do on nights like this, picked up my phone and started texting friends who are also awake. Then I went downstairs and switched the internet on (my Mum switches it off at night so we will go asleep), made some posts here and there and am watching some CG tutorials on youtube. I won't be able to get back to sleep if I get back in bed, I will be wide awake until morning.
That's not unusual for me, several nights a week I only get 3 or 4 hours sleep. I'll probably feel wrecked tomorrow, my last Friday of freedom before I go back to school on Monday.
Does anyone else here have nights like that?
That's not unusual for me, several nights a week I only get 3 or 4 hours sleep. I'll probably feel wrecked tomorrow, my last Friday of freedom before I go back to school on Monday.
Does anyone else here have nights like that?