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Need a little help!


In theory, my dear Watson...

it would just need a single morph.
- The base is the track in zero position (state 1)
- The morph is the track with *each* link moved *one* link fore/aft in all links (state 2)

Now if you want to move the track by one link, you just need to make a transition from state 1 to state 2.

Don't make the transition larger than just one link!
Poser morphs work linearly, so especially on the front and back drive/propulsion wheels it might become visible if you choose a too large step because the links don't actually *rotate* around the wheels, but instead *translate* to their new position...

The only problem that remains is that in order for this setup to work, you would need to set up a master parameter which:
- A. more or less slowly changes from state 1 to state 2 (track is slowly moving *one* link)
- B. then jumps back in a nanosecond to state 1 (track being reset)

Now the whole cycle has to return to A. and then be repeated, ad infinitum.

I can't think of a way to achieve this with a Poser dial for the moment, except a Python script Which constantly flips the master dial between A. and B., thus creating the illusion of a moving track.


This method of moving the tracks one link at a time would also allow for additional parameters to move the wheels up/down, and morphs for the chains, e.g. when moving over "uneven" ground, like this:
T-80 Escalade.jpg
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I'm still working on ERC coding on her... this model has way more in the way of rigged/pose-able parts than any of my previous works. Most of the driver's controls now work (including the dials and switches in the drivers position) though I still need to finish the vehicle mode movement ERC's, and I have most of the controls done in the Commander's position as well but still need to complete ERC dials for the Commander weapons controls... and then I'll still need to add those same weapons ERC's to the conforming weapons parts...

I've also added a 6-stage ERC dial walk cycle to the Walker mode so that it can be easily animated for full motion (it's transformable with ERC control dials)...


Ah, good clue. I'd overlooked that. Just having a quick look at the workings now. The rigging is quite convoluted (understatement alert!) and isn't perfect. If you hide everything except one track and its associated wheels, then operate the appropriate Track dial on the body, you can see the track jumping off the wheels at the top. This would be disastrous on a real tank, but that part is hidden on the model so they can get away with it.

This is because the basis of the rigging is a single morph for each track. The tracks aren't continuous on this model - the top part that's hidden under the guards isn't modelled. The key is that morph, though, and I could see you would have your work cut out making that! For a freebie, if the user was asked to dial in each movement separately, you might get away without the rest of the complex stuff which relies on a host of hidden valueParms that also make the wheels rotate.

I could easily tie the morph to an erc dial to make the wheels rotate with the track as it moves... but trying to get the morph done is the PITA I'm having... The DS/Hex bridge refuses to transfer the model so I can make the morph (I suspect the model and textures are just too high poly for the bridge to function properly as I hadn't had this problem with other models I've done)...


Contributing Artist
Looking awesome, man! I don't remember a walker in Poser that included an ERC-based walk cycle! ^____^


Looking awesome, man! I don't remember a walker in Poser that included an ERC-based walk cycle! ^____^


The ERC dials for the walk cycle were fairly easy to acheive with the tools in DS and they will work equally in both DS and Poser... I thought it would be a nice addition to go with the vehicle mode movements that I plan to add... :)


It certainly is, since animating walk cycles is nor for everyone. ;)

With it having the two modes I couldn't very well do full rolling movement ERC's for the vehicle mode without doing something with the walker mode as well... Now all I gotta do is get the issue with the tracks figured out! ;)


Wouldn't the same multi-stage ERC method work with tracks as well?

If I'd modeled the tracks with each track link as a separate rigged bone it might... but that would have meant rigging somewhere on the order of 300 or so track links not to mention adding massive additional numbers of bones to the skeleton rig etc... trying to morph them will be a pita too, but a lot less so that rigging the individual links as individual bones...


Contributing Artist
What about the tracks on the modeling program you have used? Is it possible to manually keyframe the links there to generate morph stages for the ERC?


I could make the morph with Hexagon if the bridge would work, but Hexagon to my knowledge can't do key-framing or anything else animation related... I could split the tracks into individual links (I had to model a single track link section that was then cloned to make the completed track sets) but that wouldn't solve the problem of getting them to actually move... sadly... :(

KageRyu said he'd give it a shot to see what he can do once I get things finished on my end... so I'm hoping he can figure out how to make it work. He was my private beta-tester and resident coder for the first few years while I was still getting a handle on ERC's and such and was behind most of the ERC features of my earlier mecha products... :)

English Bob is also trying to figure things out... so there is some hope of a solution I think! In the mean-time I still need to complete a whole bunch of coding on my end for the rest of the moving parts in this beast...
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Contributing Artist
What you could do would be to create copy to the tracks just to create the morph targets needed to put together the ERC sequence. Hexagon doesn't need keyframe animation (though that would be useful), but instead just to export each stage to OBJ. I have rigged a few mechas in private commissions, and that's how I would do it.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I am still willing to help make the morphs and tie them in to your ERC. I have many tools that will let me achieve it and have made animated morphs before for Poser.


I'm gonna give it to KageRyu to take a stab at once I get the rest of the ERC coding done... it's taking me far longer than it used to as there's still a lot going on in my personal life and it's taking away from my very limited time to work on the models...


I'd had to set this project aside for quite some time due to events beyond my control and things going on in my personal life... I recently got back to work on completing the ERC coding and extras I'd been making for it...


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The model looks awesome, Theschell. Reminds me of when I have rigged a tachikoma for a commission job.

Thank-you... I've put a massive amount of work into this one... way above and beyond what I would normally have done for a product... I'm intending this to be a bit of a show-piece. The company that owns the miniatures game I'm basing this model on has allowed me to potentially release this as an officially sanctioned work...


Contributing Artist
The renders are quite good. The snow looks great, and I wonder how you did it. ^^


The renders are quite good. The snow looks great, and I wonder how you did it. ^^

The snow was just a photo texture on a ground plane... added a bumpmap to give it some volume... the snow on the fence was done by duplicating the fence, adjusting the duplicate to overlap and sit slightly higher than the fence was, and applying a snow texture and bumps, same with the trees. The snow displaced by the vehicle was actually done with a ships wake model and the appropriate snow textures to replace the watery ones and to match with the textures used on the ground plane...