
I'm not on Facebook, so that's why I haven't seen/heard it in so long.
Ah, the Rainbow Bridge has been around for a while, probably before Fb started up. It's a bridge those non humans travel over at lifes end.
So sorry to see this Lyne...thanks all... but with the latest from the vet today, I've had to make THE decision. I'm broken up but I found out we'd have to take him OFF all cortisone before starting a new one, which means his IBS and pancreatitis could really go crazy... and with MY health issues/age/emotional situation, I can't go on trying to help them 'cast about in the dark' to balance all his health needs, let alone me trying to manage all HIS meds when I'm having to manage mine... my beloved daughter in law told me that this is a LOVING kind thing to do for him... cats get a 'look' physically that says they are at the end and Nickie's had that look for the past year, increasingly bad... he is suffering from multiple things wrong that are difficult to care for together... at age 13... well... he's had a good and very loving life with me... my ex is driving up after work as soon as he can, and the vet stays open late normally... I'm very very broken up but I have lots of support I'm 'calling in' to help me, help Nickie. I won't have any more pets...which is another ending to my life/age... it's all hard to deal with... I REALLY have to find a new therapist, since my previous one had to stop with the law of no 'out of state' phone therapists.... but at least I have my son, his wife and my friends to be there...
Today I'm just SO ANGRY... really am going through the stages of grief I guess... sorry if I'm not in the mood for much talk, I DO READ your replies and appreciate your 'being there' for me!!!
You made the right choice, Lyne. You made the fair, adult choice and that isn't easy to do.
Don't give up on having a pet Lyne. A pet needs you like you need a pet. You're never alone, never betrayed. Like children, if you're mad at each other you always make up. My parents thought they would never get another pet once they hit their 70's. My sister got them a shelter pet, a dog. I can tell you they are all glad they did. You can never replace a loved one, whether pet or human, but if you have time enough to love, you should share that love while you can.
I've twice made the decision not to adopt another cat. After Sushi, it was because of the grief. She was my heart. With Taeyn, it was because of my age. So when I adopted her, it was with the intention that she would be my last pet. But, by the time I had to euthanize Taeyn, I had changed my mind. Turns out, I need a companion to love. Tsuki has made it harder to grief for Taeyn. Not that I don't! But, she is such a delight that even when I'm sad, she makes me feel so much better ... especially as she's still doing silly kittenish things at 19 months.
Like yesterday, when she tried to jump onto the desk, missed and fell backward. Since she was right beside me, I got my hand under her as she started falling backwards. So there she was, sprawled on her back, over my hand and arm.
I'm almost ashamed to say I laughed. But, her expression was so funny, you know? Like ... oh crap. The whole world saw me being clumsy!
Even if the whole world at the time was just me.