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Looking to upgrade


Contributing Artist
At the moment I use PP2012 and I'm saving to upgrade.
But wich one shall I choose. Poser 11 or save a little longer and upgrade to PoserPro 11?!

Can anyone help explain the difference and wich version you guys would prefer?

Thank you.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I upgraded from Poser 11 to Poser 11 pro for about 50 dollars. Paid full price for 11 but the upgrade was a real reasonable price I thought.


Dances with Bees
Well, I have them both - P11 and P11 Pro and I wouldn't be without the Pro version. I won the P11 version in a contest while I was saving up for Pro, and it was a godsend to have P11 but I sure missed the rigging tools and the fitting room!

But, that's what I do - rigging. There are 2 pieces missing that make Pro a wish choice - the fitting room and Copy Morphs From. Without those 2, you do have some serious limitations in Poser.


Contributing Artist
Gaawwwd! I just realized,...I'm like Sheldon Cooper trying to decide between XBox and PS4


Dances with Bees
That's what keeps me doubting.
One side I just create poses and Art. On the other side those two features would sure be nice to have.

Honestly, I consider Copy Morphs From to be an essential part of Poser. New HW figures come out frequently, and with no way to copy new morphs to existing clothing, Copy Morphs From is essential. I try to keep this in mind for my customers and provide a Poser INJ file for my clothing, but most vendors do not.

Missing Copy Morphs From really limits the user with things like Ken1171's new Type 2 Dawn and that's a real shame.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
As just a customer, I found Copy Morphs From essential! So much clothing didn't have the morphs that I used the most, so I pretty much always had to copy those missing morphs to the clothing I wanted to use.

That and the morphing tool. I couldn't live without the morphing tool!!!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Missing Copy Morphs From really limits the user with things like Ken1171's new Type 2 Dawn and that's a real shame.
As I just experienced last night while setting up a new render with the Body Type-2 morphs and Ken's own Superhero bodysuit, so yes, PP11 is my first Pro version, and I'm thrilled with the Copy Morphs From goodie. I haven't gotten into playing in the Fitting Room, but I'm glad I know have the option to do so. ;)

I don't use the Morph Brush as often as Satira does, but that's another goodie I'm glad I have, though I think that was available in my P9, so not necessarily a Pro goodie, unless as PHDubrov mentioned, "some" of the Morph Brush features are Pro only.


Contributing Artist
I checked manual, and don't find mentions that some morph brush options are pro-only, but I think I remember that tight fit/loose fit were pro-only in one of the previous versions... But could be wrong.


They neglected to mention in the P11 vs P11Pro comparison that only Pro has Queue. If you have other machines connected to your router, you can make a batch list of promo/test renders and send them off to the other machines. If rendering an animation, each machine gets assigned a frame to render.
You would only install Queue on the other machines.

Two caveats:
  • Queue will *not* distribute a single render amongst multiple machines; it only sends complete frames.
I've requested that SM make Queue capable of breaking up a high quality wallpaper render by distributing buckets amongst the remotes (aka "render slaves").
  • All machines cooperating in Queue must have the same build number. The last SR for Poser omitted a Queue-only update for remotes. So if you want to use remotes via Queue, install and stay with the build. That is the last build which will show in DLM on the remotes -which should have the Queue serial entered, not the Poser serial.


Contributing Artist
You guys do have a good point, the fitting room & the copy morphs are features I'd love to have.
The thing that is testing my patience at the moment is that for the month of April Rendo has a Poser Sale.
Poser 11 for $79.99, the pro version is $224.99 wich is still out of budget.

Having a Poser 11 would be great for me since I create poses and all the new figures work with the latest version. It would be great to use the characters & their morphs right out of the box.
Now I have PP2012 and though it is do-able it does require some adaptation to get a figure for a newer version to work in PP2012.

If I go for the Pro version I will have to wait longer and save up.
See my dilemma?!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
That would drive me crazy as well. I haven't checked the sale prices lately, but would it pay for you to get P11 now, and down the road (in say a few months) you upgrade P11 to PP11? I'm just wondering if doing it that way would save you some money, rather than outlaying $224.99 for PP11 now.

Edited to Add: OK, well I just checked, and it would actually wind up costing you (assuming it's during another sale) about $30 more if you bought P11 now, and then upgraded to PP11. The only good thing is, you would have P11 to play with for now, and when you need feel you're ready for the Fitting Room and other Pro goodies, you'll have been able to save up some more for the Pro version.

I know, I'm not making it any easier for you to choose, but it's something to think about.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Yah I would do the same Miss B. They have some really good upgrade deals there from time to time.


Contributing Artist
That would drive me crazy as well. I haven't checked the sale prices lately, but would it pay for you to get P11 now, and down the road (in say a few months) you upgrade P11 to PP11? I'm just wondering if doing it that way would save you some money, rather than outlaying $224.99 for PP11 now.

Edited to Add: OK, well I just checked, and it would actually wind up costing you (assuming it's during another sale) about $30 more if you bought P11 now, and then upgraded to PP11. The only good thing is, you would have P11 to play with for now, and when you need feel you're ready for the Fitting Room and other Pro goodies, you'll have been able to save up some more for the Pro version.

I know, I'm not making it any easier for you to choose, but it's something to think about.

I think I will go that route I think....


Contributing Artist
I think the major reasons for the Pro versions are definitely "Copy morphs from" and the Morphing Tool. Can't do much without those in everyday usage. The prior conforms your clothing to morphs it doesn't support, and the other fixes pokethrus and distortions that may come from that, among a zillion other things. I am basically confirming what was already said above. Those are solid reasons.

SMS has ran *several* newsletter promotions offering Poser Pro with a 40% off discount, though I don't remember if it was for new buys or just for upgrades. But I do remember they ran that promo for several months in a row. However, you might miss their sales promos if you don't subscribe to their newsletter mailings.


Contributing Artist
I don't remember if it was for new buys or just for upgrades.

Thank you so much for that advice, I hadn't even checked that yet in my excitement! This does change things!
I looked with the upgrades - wich is what I need basically - those prices are within budget and I think I can wait an extra month or so for that.
Thank you again Ken!