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Is my computer ready for Iray?


HW Honey Bear
big install day tomorrow... Flint_Hawk and I will be on phone installing DS & LAMH, and all the kitty stuff together... the blind leading the blind....LOL!

Flint is anxious to install the new 4.9 ALONG-SIDE HER 4.7 THAT IS HOOKED TO HER POSER to use DSON... is this possible?? to have TWO DS versions installed side by side?? Her new 4.9 WILL not BE HOOKED TO POSER..AND will be just for using the LAMH & HW cats- like I plan on doing... (I don't have any other DS on my machine)


No it's not a good idea to have 2 version of DS at the same time if they are the same version; you can have DS 3 and DS 4 but not 2 DS 4s.
You can though have a beta version and a release version - these don't clash.
I don't quite get what you mean by 'Hooked to Poser'.


HW Honey Bear
I am SO LOST... installed everything in My Library.. now can't find it? Everything says "selects from items on the left"..... ya right- nothing there... I can bring in the cat by going to Open...but can't find my poses, etc. This is so foreign! I just want my own library showing all the time! whimper!

PS Fabi's settings are NOT in her lights zip- says to find it ON LINE ... at DAZ?? NOT handy. :(


HW3D Exclusive Artist
You should be able to access your Poser stuff like poses etc like this (under "Poser Format") (You might have to let Daz Studio know to do that under DS preferences.. I can't remember)

Screen Shot 2017-10-04 at 1.46.31 PM.png

Fabi settings? They are included in the Zen lighting product (maybe not the freebie version though)


HW Honey Bear
found library... this is all I got:

This is WITH the LAMH preset... just old dog CANNOT learn new tricks ..there is WAY TOO MUCH to learn and my brain resides in Poser! I'm gonna uninstall... but thanks any you guys!


Contributing Artist
That's a problem I've been getting intermittently it's not happening consistently though.


HW3D Exclusive Artist
Those green guide hairs automatically load when you load a hair preset like Saiyaness' for the Cat. They come into play with a 3Delight render. For an iray render "hide" those- you won't be using them/Iray can't read them. If using iray you need to assign the umber of hairs in the LAMH pane- 1,200,000 and then click the "To OBJ" button. Then convert the object generated fomr thr Daz Default Shader to the Iray Uber Base Shader and use Saiyaness' suggested settings under the Surfaces Tab.


HW3D Exclusive Artist
Really... don't give up- once you get the workflow, it's always the same. About the only thing you might vary when you get more savvy is doing more noodling with the shader settings.


HW Honey Bear
uh...unless you "live in" our brains, it's hard to understand how MUCH this is just beyond us...we LOVE Poser's fast response times, knowing what kind of SMOOTH (and fast) images we'll get out of it with Firefly.... let alone how easy (for us) Poser's interface is... we both were truly fed up... ... Flint keeps her's only to get some special products INTO Poser (even that is beyond me)

This should not devolve into a "which is better" thread, though... truth is, it's just a matter of what's easiest for whom... REALLY- thanks for your efforts to help though!!!!!!


HW3D Exclusive Artist
The guide hairs do show up in the preview-
View attachment 30917

But! They do not render!

I know you gals are giving up on this, (which I am sorry to hear, as you were only 3 steps away from making it work) but I just want to explain a little why it can be a little confusing:) Originally LAMH was designed to work in DS with 3Delight- Iray and Superfly didn't exist yet. In those days (and still now), yes one got the green guide hairs shown- one could still pose and move the model and make changes to it etc and the guide hairs would re-conform. When Iray came along AM added the To OBJ button "scenario" so LAMH could work with Iray at all because yes as you discovered the green guide hairs mode does not render in Iray at all, only in 3Delight (which is the DS equivalent to Poser Firefly)

LOL I still can't wrap MY brain around the dynamic cloth room in Poser yet:) I can do really simple ones but the more elaborate ones I just end up with a mess:)


HW Honey Bear
I may regret asking this...but what do you mean, 3 steps?
We can't even FIND the menu for render SETTINGS like: where is 3d delight?? (or...shudder is that another program or plug in!?!?) or for the image output size...ETC
No one said iray would not work...oh yes, and we installed Fabi's lights, but Flint's got stuck with boku, and I didn't want any of her lights, (why would I want color circles or backgrounds?)..so I just used her utilities to turn off the dome and ground...

Mainly we just couldn't find anything for everything!!

*goes off to find a photoshop dynamic brush to make hairs on the edges of the cat renders..* with frustrated tears & anger at her brain mis-functions...:cry:

PS We are both very icon & visual users...ie: need "normal tools [DIALS] to control body parts" and easy menus like Poser's render settings!! I hate using numbers... and too things (words, sliders are TOO TINY in the interface...and...and... oh never mind.


Render Settings are in the Render Settings Tab, you can find the tabs in the Windows menu> Panes (Tabs), these tabs can be docked either on the left or the right.
Once the you have the render tab open there are 3 tabs there, open the editor once this is open you will see a drop down box and you can select either 3dl or Iray, you also have other render settings here.




HW3D Exclusive Artist
Also one can easily access Render Settings under the Top Menu->Render->Render Settings- I tend to do it that way personally. 3Delight is the DS equivalent of Poser Firefly. Iray is the DS equivalent of Poser Superfly.

What I meant by 3 more steps is when you have the green guide hairs loaded/showing, then the next steps are:

Once the guide hairs are generated, then assign a numeric value to number of hairs under “Hair Quantity”. Saiyaness suggests 1,200,000 for the Cat and I’ve been using 400,000 for the kitten to good effect. I didn’t change any of the other LAMH settings.

If wanting to use Iray , next click the button in the LAMH pane “to OBJ”.

Wait a LONG time and follow/click the dialog boxes that appear.

Then once that is generated select the now available object, HiveWireHouseCat_Grp_0 under Scene (will be in the HiveWireHouseCat LAMH Group) and Surfaces tab and then apply the Iray Uber Base Shader. Then modify that shader with Saiyaness’s suggested settings. Different lights and coats will need adjustment from those settings but they are a very good place to start.


Everyone is being so helpful, that I couldn't give up. I did finally get the hairs to render! This morning I used the preset for the House Cat by Saiyaness on the kitten & the hairs are way to long. How do you change the length of the hair?

:thankyou: everyone!