• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread


Dances with Bees
forgot to put her specs on..... how wacky am I :cool:



Choosing to approach the installation via the building site had [roved a good move but the return journey was another matter. Caoimhe picked her way carefully through the plies of rubble through her vision made the difficult by the rippling light show as debris impacted the force field as the incoming flack began to home in on it's target.

Home Run HW.jpg


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Those kids K4 or G1? I'm suspecting G1. I wouldn't have been able to get that many gen4 figures into a scene. (Of course when I was using K4 I was in a 32-bit version of the program.)


Those kids K4 or G1? I'm suspecting G1. I wouldn't have been able to get that many gen4 figures into a scene. (Of course when I was using K4 I was in a 32-bit version of the program.)
These are k4...It took me a week to design each character and tweak each pose, They have a bunch of kids play in my neighborhood, fun to watch...Why would any one spent a whole week on a render? Don't pay any attention to him, that is just the right side of my brain and his darned logic...Sorry about that those two are at it all the time, drives me nuts!
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English Bob

3D artists sometimes joke that they buy more outfits for their dollies than they do for themselves. It's certainly been true for me, and especially so during the pandemic when I couldn't go shopping even in the unlikely event that I wanted to.

I rarely use DAZ Studio, and when I do, it's mainly to convert things for use in Poser. I've had success exporting clothes modelled with dForce in mind and simulating them in Poser instead. So far I've only done this with free items, but when I saw the CB Rye Croft Outfit on sale at DAZ, I accepted the risk in buying it with the sole intention of converting the dress, and I've also done the hat and necklace.

As it turned out, the dress was a little more difficult than some others I've dealt with. That neckline was particularly tricky, and in the end I added a transparent infill to keep the edges in place during simulation. Otherwise it wouldn't have been suitable for Hivewire. :)

Other things in the picture:
  • Amanda Hair
  • My own mix 'n' match V4 character with DAZ Victoria 4 Skin Maps (High Res), processed by EZSkin 3
  • Phoebe boots by Kony
  • Shopping bag by Meshworks (free at Renderosity) - I made my own texture!
  • HDR background by Joost Vanhoutte
  • I used a modified version of Parrotdolphin's soft leather Poser materials (free at Renderosity) on the boots and hat band
  • Firefly render in Poser 11 Pro, speech balloons added in Comic Life


  • V4 vs G8.jpg
    V4 vs G8.jpg
    195.7 KB · Views: 153


Turlough's original idea was find a quiet place to talk and maybe clear up a few things, what he had not taken into account was Caoimhe's fascination with with the sort of location he had chosen. It clear from the moment they had stepped on to the track that her sole attention would be focused elsewhere.

Quiet Forest HW.jpg

Scene created using ShaaraMuse's Nordic Forest Kit from the Modular 3D kit range.