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I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread


I'll try to attach a runtime zipped MT5, so everybody doesn't need to rebuild it from scratch.


  • Green Lantern Tattoo.zip
    31.9 KB · Views: 294


Dances with Bees
Thanks to @seachnasaigh she's done!!!!

Green Lantern Jessica Cruz.png


Dances with Bees

Since I didn't use Pauline and used Pauline 2 Euro, I am guessing that's why the lantern didn't line up quite right. I'll replace it with my own that I made from the Euro face and see what happens. It still looks really cool, though.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Notice her right eye?
Yes, and I'm wondering if the "tattoo" has to be round, as it looks like it runs over her top and bottom eyelids. I would think its blank area in the center would be the shape of her eye, but not that familiar with how it should look.


The girls had not met for years, not since flying school in fact, and neither was aware that the other was on the space station, it was therefore quite a surprise when they came across each other. Turlough was forgotten in all the excitement, for the moment at least, as the girls greeted each other.

Chance Meeting HW.jpg

The new girl is, of course, the stunning Exotic Adrianne for Dawn by Glitterati.


Dances with Bees
That is one heck of an easter egg! I'll have to check some of the comic images but I don't remember seeing that. I have a feeling the next artist who takes her on will be using that until it's canon.
I am glad you noticed. Not many would.

@Miss B I was referring to the lantern on her iris... :D


Dances with Bees
Yes, and I'm wondering if the "tattoo" has to be round, as it looks like it runs over her top and bottom eyelids. I would think its blank area in the center would be the shape of her eye, but not that familiar with how it should look.
There are different versions of it depending on who draws her. I will go for a solid center and angled edges on the top and see how that looks. Otherwise, I'll go for a raccoon look and do a large circle around her eye.