Dances with Bees
I was in San Diego several years ago when the power went out in the entire city. They found out it was a lineman somewhere in Arizona that did something stupid and knocked the power out for parts of Arizona, Utah and California. Before that, I went from age 11 to 18 with kerosene lamps, wood heat and propane to cook on. I did a lot of comic book reading back then...Meanwhile I'm used to towns with water systems and people nearby said towns having wells on their property. Not enough rain to get by on JUST captured water from the sky.
The longest I've been without electricity when NOT having gone on a trip to a place without it is three days. That was when the Toke plant in Muleshoe Tx. went down. If you search online the reports you can find easily all claim that power was restored within 12 hours but that wasn't true if you lived within 50 miles of Muleshoe. I guess the reporters don't consider less than 100,000 people being without power for two and a half more days to be important.
Oh, and they were looking into ruling out a terrorist attack. Our infrastructure is fairly easy to bring down, apparently.