• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

I am SO glad you're back!


Dances with Bees
Meanwhile I'm used to towns with water systems and people nearby said towns having wells on their property. Not enough rain to get by on JUST captured water from the sky.
The longest I've been without electricity when NOT having gone on a trip to a place without it is three days. That was when the Toke plant in Muleshoe Tx. went down. If you search online the reports you can find easily all claim that power was restored within 12 hours but that wasn't true if you lived within 50 miles of Muleshoe. I guess the reporters don't consider less than 100,000 people being without power for two and a half more days to be important.
I was in San Diego several years ago when the power went out in the entire city. They found out it was a lineman somewhere in Arizona that did something stupid and knocked the power out for parts of Arizona, Utah and California. Before that, I went from age 11 to 18 with kerosene lamps, wood heat and propane to cook on. I did a lot of comic book reading back then...

Oh, and they were looking into ruling out a terrorist attack. Our infrastructure is fairly easy to bring down, apparently.


Ouch. Given that having that one unit in one plant in Muleshoe burn up took out power for West Texas, all of New Mexico, parts of three more states: Colorado, Utah, and Arizona, I can see a downed line in Az. causeing that kind of problem.
One thing that has happened a few times since we moved to Portales is some dingbat with a backhoe cut the land line to the west of us and therefore take down the phone system. Good thing so many people have cell phones now but most didn't when the last outage occurred.


Dances with Bees
Yep. We had a party line back then. You couldn't just pick up and start dialing. You had to listen to see if another house was using it.


The Wicked Witch of the North
I grew up with party lines too, picking up the phone and say "working?" before using it. And sometimes getting told to get off when it was an adult wanting to use it :(


Dances with Bees
I have a landline in my house here in the Philippines. It was installed just for the internet access. You can call out on it, but only locally. No one here needs to use it, though. Everyone in the house has a cell phone. Even my 8 year old.


The Wicked Witch of the North
I hardly know a soul without a cellphone...though not everyone I know turns them ON. Most folk here still have landlines though more and more younger people are ditching them. You don't even need a landline here to get good broadband...if I can get reception I can get a 4g modem and get 60G a month for $55NZ. As I'm paying $8 for 600Mb at the mo I'll be rapt if I can get it.


Moved into the new apartment, it had an old phone jack so I couldn't hook up the landline.

It's been two months now and I really don't miss the landline at all. Telephone cord? What's that?

Now then, full disclosure, I grew up with the old rotary phone. You could tell a person's number by listening to the number of clicks the dial made as it returned to zero position...but then our TV got 3 whole channels back then and everything on was GOOD!


To Lolo and EC, it's confirmed by Hivewire support. The only way to get the super heroine for Dawn is to buy Dawn SE.

I will NOT post negative stuff about marketing. I'll just say it's rent week and won't responsibly have the necessary honey until the week after. Of course I could be irresponsible and just skip lunch for a couple of days...hmmm....Well, I'm sure Dawn has a free clothing pack, right?


Rotary phone and 13 channels in B&W. My grandmother had this new thing called a color TV. :)
I still have that tv. It's been sitting in our garage for 28 years.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oh I remember rotary phones and our B&W TV when I was a kid, but in actuality we only had 7 channels, because there were no channels for 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 12.

I think I got my first push button phone at home when I moved out of my folks home back in '73. It was years later when we got a push button phone system at work. ~shakes head~
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I remember back in the late '80s being in a store at the mall in Clovis which still had rotary pay phones. One teen girl was trying to dial one and finally gave up because it was taking too long and stomped off with her friends mumbling about "finding a REAL phone". LOL


Dances with Bees
To Lolo and EC, it's confirmed by Hivewire support. The only way to get the super heroine for Dawn is to buy Dawn SE.

I will NOT post negative stuff about marketing. I'll just say it's rent week and won't responsibly have the necessary honey until the week after. Of course I could be irresponsible and just skip lunch for a couple of days...hmmm....Well, I'm sure Dawn has a free clothing pack, right?
Check your inbox, Rob.


I did! Thanks a third time for the try. Dawn SE will not be on sale on the 6th. Hivewire is still a budding rose. It's not fully ready but the smell here is very sweet. I already miss RDNA which kept sales going longer than their date and allowed me to pick up items at a reduced price. I'm still debating whether to go out with that lunch. I suppose I could lose a couple of pounds. In my head, it's kinda fat.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hey Rob, I'm living proof you can eat only once a day and stay alive. Ditch the lunch and buy her, go on, you know you want to ;)

What a modern country you guys grew up in! Our tv had one channel till the mid 70's, we had rotary phones till the 80's, and Kaikhohe where I moved to in Northland in 1980 still had a manual exchange for another three years, you had to turn the handle on the side of the phone and a lady (always a lady) said "number please".


Dances with Bees
Hey Rob, I'm living proof you can eat only once a day and stay alive. Ditch the lunch and buy her, go on, you know you want to ;)

What a modern country you guys grew up in! Our tv had one channel till the mid 70's, we had rotary phones till the 80's, and Kaikhohe where I moved to in Northland in 1980 still had a manual exchange for another three years, you had to turn the handle on the side of the phone and a lady (always a lady) said "number please".
Whoa! Where did you tie up your horse? Or did you have one of those *shudder* horseless carriages?

Kidding! At least you had communication. The first couple years we were living in our house, we didn't even have the phone. Ah, the good ol' days. Sometimes I wish we were still there. And I was doing all my art with a pencil again... Then I finish a render and I am amazed at what I just did.


The Wicked Witch of the North
Well, when I first met my soon to be husband (and then ex) I asked him what Kaikohe was like.His answer "just like a town in a western, minus the tumbleweeds" ;) Not quite, but nearly!


Dances with Bees
Yeah, that's Ione (pronounced I own) Washington. More cats and dogs than people. And the only place I've ever seen where a guy has to go to court to fight a DUI he got while on horseback...


The Wicked Witch of the North
Hahaha! That sounds like Kaikohe (pronounced ky-co-he)! There's a picture somewhere of a chap getting his McDonalds on horseback in Kaikohe. The Wild West NZ style.


Dances with Bees
Nah... I've seen that before, too! Wait... that was also in Washington.

I guess that doesn't count, eh? :D
This guy got out of it because he said he wasn't driving. The horse was. The horse knew the way home. So he got a ticket for endangering himself because the judge told him he could have fallen off the horse and slit his head open. Crazy town. Glad I left it 30 years ago. I've never looked back.