Oh, I don't worry about it, Sanbie. I don't actually have a lot of contact with that side of the family for numerous reasons. It works for them, I'm good with that... what I do works for me. I did time (five years) as a nurse's aide, and before that I was an EMT... even as a teenager, I was part of a youth outreach type program... junior ambulance squad, you rode with the EMTs to calls, depending on the call you might be hands on helping, or you might not. They wanted me to push up and take the classes to get my certification... they said they couldn't teach me anything further in the group because it would be stuff that was over the head of the other kids, I knew too much for the junior corps, basically.
I did get my certification and I worked for quite a few years in it. Left the workforce when we had our daughter, and when I went back in, I ended up at a nursing home as a CNA. I am no doctor, and I don't have a nursing license, and my EMT certification at this point would be expired. I have from time to time thought about going back into it, but for my household, it just doesn't work for us to have me working outside of the house. My daughter has high functioning autism, and she gets nuts when I'm not home... and my husband, well... she got it from somewhere, LOL, and he's too old-school in some ways... it just doesn't work out. The house goes downhill and my kiddo gets crazy.
Besides, I like what I'm doing now. There's something a little satisfying to being able to say you work for yourself.

My Bear works hard; he's a carpenter... but at this point he earns more by himself than we used to earn combined, so it's all good, and it did enable us to pull our kiddo out of the public school district and get her learning, actually learning what she needs to know in order to survive as an adult. When we first pulled her out, she was entering 10th grade and only working at an early to mid 8th grade level... she's not stupid, not at all, it's just the poor school system that we have in this area. Most of these kids get out of high school and the first thing they have to do when they reach college, IF they get there, is take a whole semester of remedial courses. She won't have that battle, thankfully.
So yeah... really, I don't care what the other side of the family thinks. What I have works for us, that's what matters.

They don't have to like it, and they live on the other side of the country, in some cases across the ocean, so it's all good.