• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

I am SO glad you're back!


Dances with Bees
We are in port, but I have to work for about 5 more hours. I called mama and told her I would be off work at 5pm, so she'll be there to pick me up when I do. If everything holds, we will be here for a week.

If everything holds...


Dances with Bees
It didn't work. We got kicked out of port because a storm came through.

I want to say a few choice curse words. I said them out loud. I can't win. I need to get off this ship.

In other news, I am getting off this ship in about 2 weeks. I have someone coming to relieve me. I get to go home for a month. That will be nice. And it will hold.


Dances with Bees
I have a couple of options, but they are not permanent positions. I can't keep my family afloat with 'seasonal' work, so I stay here until something permanent comes along. In today's economy, it's not coming fast enough.


Dances with Bees
Sorry that didn't work out, but glad you get a month off to be with the family.
The only X factor in that is what day I get to go home. Things are so screwed up that we don't know any longer where we will be or when we will get there. I have had enough.


Well, whenever you get there, you can't go wrong by spending time with your family. Still, you could march in that office with total attitude and DEMAND to know what day you're going home. If they don't answer, you can go rogue and turn pirate. Now there's a job that might suit you.

Wait. Do ships have offices? Except for a cruise to Mexico I've been a total land lubber.


Dances with Bees
Well, whenever you get there, you can't go wrong by spending time with your family. Still, you could march in that office with total attitude and DEMAND to know what day you're going home. If they don't answer, you can go rogue and turn pirate. Now there's a job that might suit you.

Wait. Do ships have offices? Except for a cruise to Mexico I've been a total land lubber.

We have a chain of command just like the military. And yes, our department head has an office. Unfortunately, he can't answer that question because our pulling into port is largely dependent on outside forces, like the whim of the Navy and current world issues. So even if I did march in there, I'd just leave with a flattened ego and no answer.


As Larry The Cable Guy says: "Git 'er done!"

I don't have any pirate stuff in my runtime and I can't post anyhow right now...

I don't any pirate stuff except for a treasure chest. Oh and a Peg leg. And an eye patch and a...geez I have a ton of pirate stuff. But no Parrot...hmmm...


Dances with Bees
Well, we don't need a parrot. Most pirates didn't have a parrot anyhow in real life.

A pirate walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. What happened, you look terrible!"
"What do you mean?" the pirate replies, "I'm fine."
The bartender says, "But what about that wooden leg? You didn't have that before."
"Well," says the pirate, "We were in a battle at sea and a cannon ball hit my leg but the surgeon fixed me up, and I'm fine, really."
"Yeah," says the bartender, "But what about that hook? Last time I saw you, you had both hands."
"Well," says the pirate, "We were in another battle and we boarded the enemy ship. I was in a sword fight and my hand was cut off but the surgeon fixed me up with this hook, and I feel great, really."
"Oh," says the bartender, "What about that eye patch? Last time you were in here you had both eyes."
"Well," says the pirate, "One day when we were at sea, some birds were flying over the ship. I looked up, and one of them--yarrgh, er, pooped--in my eye."
"So?" replied the bartender, "what happened? You couldn't have lost an eye just from that!" "Well," says the pirate, "I really wasn't used to the hook yet."