• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

HiveWire3D store is


..lookin goood!:)

Just want to say I think the store is lookin good and the pricing fair. Some great stuff added too.
I cant buy much this year (after going bankrupt last month due to a cafe business fail)

Anyway - I am starting wishlisting and will support Hivewire and Artists by buying when I can.

Very well done


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Sorry to hear about the business and the resulting bankruptcy :(. No fun.

But we do thank you for the compliment about the store and glad you are seeing good things!


HW3D President
Staff member
I also add my thoughts. So sorry to hear of business challenges. Life can really suck some times. I like to think that life's challenges are equally unfair. I wish you well moving forward DigiDotz.

Thanks for your supportive comments. We put everything we have into our baby it would seem. Good to have folks noticing and paying attention to positive efforts.

Anyway, again, wish you well and thank you.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
My condolences on the failed business as well Digi. Sorry to hear about it, and as Chris said, hope life brightens up for you moving forward. :grouphug:


Well, I mean I'm better off now, and happier, but am sticking to some strict spending guidelines for a year.
Just dont want to come across fake - like if commenting on new releases yet not buying.

The main thing was to pay a compliment to HiveWire and Artists - as you may know, i hope to join now I have more time to create stuff ( although I got five kids at home, one of which is a 1yo who likes to power off my pc, usually just befor I save something lol)


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
DigiDotz, thank you for sharing your thoughts. It certainly does feel good to hear how we are shaping up.

Sorry to hear about your Cafe. Hard stuff for sure. When going through tough times it helps me to remember that for every closed door, another is waiting to be opened. Failures are never really failures but are one step closer to what DOES work for you!

Keep your dreams alive! :)


Sorry to hear about the business problem DigiDotz.
It's still a hard economy, despite what many say about it turning around, it really depends on where you are...
If it's any consolation, I find it makes one feel better if they blame things like this on squirrels.
Really, with their beady little eyes, sharp claws, constant paw wringing, evil laughter and bad toupees... Always digging in the dirt and wrecking stuff... They are like tiny little politicians, only furrier and less fresh smelling...
Mostly less fresh smelling.
Squirrels actually tried to kill me recently... They tried to blow up my tractor.
True story... I was starting up my tractor to put it into storage for the winter and as I turned the key, the battery exploded... I got spattered with acid (nothing bad, I neutralized it quickly) and the hood of the tractor was knocked askew... There were battery bits all over and when I picked up the pieces I collected them in a plastic bin along with the remains of the battery's guts... A few weeks later, I went to throw another piece I found in the grass, into the bin and I noticed that one of the corners of the battery case was chewed through... Smart of them... The water inside evaporates and the unbalanced chemistry results in excessive hydrogen gas building up... Make a spark and kaboom!
And it's not the first time either... I'm pretty sure squirrels damaged the fuel lines on my old Dodge back in 2001... They were obsessed with the hoses, wires and PVC parts on that car... One day while I was driving, it burst into flames... I like hot rods, but that was not what I had in mind. Trying to drive a burning car out of the general public's range so nobody gets hurt is not fun or easy. Yeah... Lots of fun side stories come from that event.

But yeah, blame it on squirrels... They were probably hanging around outside of the cafe in that little tree by the curb... Just leering at people, making potential customers feel uncomfortable... Or maybe one or two of them shaved their tails and hung out in front eating croissants talking in rat accents. Probably vandalized a couple of customer's vehicles too. They are worse than the Mafia when it comes to extortion... And you probably didn't even know you pissed them off. Maybe you or one of your employees ignored them when they tried to bum a cookie or muffin crumbs... And that was it.
They are the worst...
Do you know that both Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were eventually betrayed by their pet squirrels who led their pursuers to their hiding places... And even though these squirrels had far more blood on their paws then either dictator, they managed to escape justice.
Squirrels are indirectly responsible for World War One...
Gavrilo Princip, the man who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was driven to hatred of the Archduke by a squirrel who used to pee on him from over the doorway of his home every morning on his way to school in Sarajevo... The squirrel, who bore a striking resemblance to Franz Ferdinand, right down to the handlebar mustache, became a source of aggravation and frustration, eventually driving Pincip to acts of violence and causing him to be be expelled from school in 1912... Princip swore vengeance on all squirrels and the Archduke as well.
Not long after, he joined the Serbian Revolutionary Organization and eventually became part of the plot to kill the Archduke.
Few people know that Princip was actually only a backup assassin, one of several and that the original attempt on the archduke's life that day was an almost comical failure, with one of the primary assassins chickening out and the other who made an attempt to kill the archduke with a poorly aimed grenade, subsequently trying to unsuccessfully commit suicide with an expired cyanide pill while trying to drown himself by diving into the Miljaka river which was only five inches deep at the time (pretty much a Woody Allen movie up to that point), but as fate would have it, the archduke's driver had become slightly lost while fleeing the initial attack. Meanwhile across town, Princip became aware the the attack had failed and figuring it was called off for the moment, he decided to get a croissant and a big Latte Macchiato from Shiller's Café. As Princip stood outside the café sipping his latte and savoring the impending bite of croissant, squirrel pee began to rain down on him from the elm tree branch above. Sure enough after three years, Squirrel Archduke Franz Ferdinand had somehow found him and was humiliating him once again. Princip pulled out his revolver and took four shots at the squirrel, all of which missed, but just at that moment the actual archduke was coming down the street, hearing the shots, the driver slammed on the brakes and tried to make a u-turn, but the car stalled because of the maneuver and drew Princip's attention, which had been drawn by the squirrel who had now scampered away laughing loudly. Enraged and frustrated, Princip focused on the Archduke and his wife, firing two shots at them which mortally wounded them. Princip immediately took his cyanide pill, which was expired too and then tried to shoot himself only to find he was out of bullets. As a police officer who had been drawn to the scene by the initial shots, wrestled Princip to the ground, Princip claimed he could hear the squirrel's mocking laughter.
Those events would spark the excuse for starting the First World War.
Over 17 million people would perish in that conflict, all because of one annoying persistent squirrel... Because despite the archduke's driver having made a wrong turn, Princip who by his own admission, was focused on his croissant and facing the wrong way and never would have seen them drive by.
The squirrel was never prosecuted and is rumored to have moved to Austria where he tormented a young Adolf Shicklgruber, perhaps adding to his malevolent nature and ensuring a Second World War.

So you see, nothing you could have done would have changed anything... The squirrels had you marked for revenge that very first moment... It could have been worse... At least they didn't try to kill you.

Anyway... Good luck and watch your back DigiDotz.
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I feel your pain, Digi-Dotz. While I don't have my own business, the last five years has been hell for me financially. I want to support Hivewire as much as I can, however, sadly I'm still just getting to my own feet. I'm still paying off taxes to the government incurred while I was unemployed and couldn't pay. Kind and understanding that our government is though they just let the tab ride (while generously adding tax penalties, of course).


McGyver ...I clicked "like" on the Bat Squirrel pic!!!!! what will become of me?
eclark -I know it - a lot of money is earned from debt

Drawing a line on my money issues below or it will turn into a moanfest and not about the store

Back to the store, I'm interested in the Hivewire Horse which is surley a great asset?
hmmm I never really noticed the points system, well I guess I did but only focused on price. Thats cool -as you dont have to in some club to earn discounts, when can you redeem them? am I missing a link to FAQ :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Points are redeemed at time of purchase Digi. When you go to add a product into your cart, you'll see a spot on the form where you can add how many points you want to use. I think they also state the high limit of points you can use, though usually you get back about 10% of purchase cost in points. So, for instance, if an item costs $9.95, you'll probably get back 99 (or 100) points, so if you use say 125 points, most of them will be returned to you for use on future purchases.

I hope that answers your questions about the HW point system.

Edited to Add: OK, I may be wrong on the calculation of points, but you should be able to figure out once you put the amount of points you want to use in the appropriate input box on the form for your cart.


I really admire people who take a chance on themselves even if they don't always succeed. I wish I had taken more risks but I'm rather conservative. My other comment is I really love dogs, cats, crows, and squirrels!!! One squirrel at the dogpark got his tail run over or bitten off so I always recognize him and he hops over for peanuts whenever he sees me and my dog who thinks he is a big squirrel too.


I really admire people who take a chance on themselves even if they don't always succeed. I wish I had taken more risks but I'm rather conservative.
That's not conservatism, that's caution. Both conservatives and liberals will take a risk if they both believe the risk is low and worth the effort. Caution simply holds you back. Sometimes for the better, sometimes to your regret.


No tail, eh... That's a hard call... Squirrels will sometimes cut off the tail of other squirrels who fail at a mission or are too nice to humans... But then again squirrels are pretty stupid and tend to get parts cut off by all sorts of things they shouldn't be climbing into, onto or operating without reading the instructions fully.
Either way, don't ever refuse him peanuts.


As long as we're talking about the HW store here, I have a few suggestions to make shopping here a little easier, and would like to here what others think.

1. The store is already broken down into several categories such as Women, Men, Children, etc. Can we break them down a little further, such as figure. Obviously, there are some crossovers, but for the most part I never buy Genesis oriented products, so it's a waste of time for those products to pop up in any search I make.

2. At the bottom of the product page, I see "other products that I might be interested in". While that might indeed be the case, how about if I see other related products instead. They can be related by Priorities such as vendor, Genre, figure, etc.


Points are redeemed at time of purchase Digi. When you go to add a product into your cart, you'll see a spot on the form where you can add how many points you want to use. I think they also state the high limit of points you can use, though usually you get back about 10% of purchase cost in points. So, for instance, if an item costs $9.95, you'll probably get back 99 (or 100) points, so if you use say 125 points, most of them will be returned to you for use on future purchases.

I hope that answers your questions about the HW point system.

Edited to Add: OK, I may be wrong on the calculation of points, but you should be able to figure out once you put the amount of points you want to use in the appropriate input box on the form for your cart.
I've always calculated them as pennies. However many points you have come out to how much is taken off the price of the product. So, for example, 335 points would be roughly equal to $3.35 cents USD.