Well I have gone from not understanding what was happening to not believing what is happening. New system arrived just after lunch and I have to say they have done a great job with the build, wiring is well routed and everything was as expected. So I started the long and arduous task of getting everything installed and running. So seven hours further on, with an hour for some food, I now have Poser 11 installed and activated, the £D mouse space navigator is recognised and works well. I have all the runtimes added and have my preferred scene about 90% correct. Poser automatically recognised the processor setup and set the threads to 32. In addition I have PaintShopPro installed and running along with Particle shop and the graphics tablet works straight off. I have partitioned the drives in a manner similar to the old system so I should now where everything is. I even managed to get an old Spyder3 running so I could calibrate both monitors. Last job left is to clone the 'C' drive so I have a day one back up and so tomorrow hopefully I will get to have a serious play.
I even remembered to take the bubble wrap out before I switched it on.

I even remembered to take the bubble wrap out before I switched it on.