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Happy Mother's day, ladies


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
That's so sweet! Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Lovely thought Earl, and I too wish all the Moms here on the forums a wonderful day! :D

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Thank you McGyver, that has to be one of the shortest comments you've ever made here on the forums. ;)


HW3D President
Staff member
I'd like to stack on my wishes here today.

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and female types.

Love to you all, and hope your day has been great.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Thanks Chris, and the same back to your wife and other "females" in your family. :)


Contributing Artist
Thanks Earl and everyone else who posted...mother's day was yesterday here!

Happy Mother's day to all the mothers!


Thank you McGyver, that has to be one of the shortest comments you've ever made here on the forums. ;)
Oh... Yeah... I was gonna write something more, but then I noticed my shoe was on fire and that introduced a 44.38% probability of igniting the gasoline soaked scarecrow on the table and that would have just startled the octopus again, so I had to wrap it up quick... But though short, the intention was grander... There may even have been a song.