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DS texture question


Contributing Artist
In Poser, you can scale and reposition an image within the shader (for example, on the diffuse channel) to fit the UV position on the model. If, for example, the UV mapping for the eye on your model is tucked up in the top left quarter of the model's UV map, you can create an eye texture that fills an entire image file, then, within the shader, resize and reposition so it's correct for the model. If you wanted the same level of detail and used the full texture map, your tex map would be twice the width and height, and if you were only wanting to re-texture the eyes leaving the rest untouched that would be a lot of wasted pixels and unneeded data.

All that loooong explanation, to get to the question: Apparently you can do the same in DS, using tiling, but where do I FIND that? From the research I've done already, there should be a geometry section for iRay where I need to set the tiling parameters, but I can't find anything under Edit-Object-Geometry or any Geometry parameter in the Surfaces. There should be a tiling section for 3Delight, and I can't find that either. Idiot's guide to finding it? It's probably so obvious nobody's written it down. Maybe I need to open a viewport that isn't open by default, or something?


Contributing Artist
I don't do 3DL but the only Iray tiling is in the "Surface" textures near the bottom (not sure it will do exactly want you want tho)