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Beard distorts because of character morphs/DAZ Studio beard problems

Hello All,
TLDR; Need to fix his beard so it does not get distorted by the morphs.

This character has a lot of morphs. I added a beard.

The beard is distorted.
Tested other long beards on the character, and the same distortion happens.
The specific type of beard does not seem to matter here, but, it is the 'Ryanno beard'.
You see this in the man with the hat in the foreground.

If I put the beard on Genesis 8 base with no shaping, the beard is fine.
You see that in the background character.

Would love to do a quick (paid) Zoom/share screen with someone, and have you show me how to fix it.
This problem is caused by morphs/shaping.

Can I make the beard not be affected by the morphs? If so, how?

I need this to be looked at within the next few hours if you are available.

Responses already received that I don't understand fully because I have not needed to use these tools in DAZ before. (I tried them and they did not fix the beard.):
"You can block all morphs, that aren't currently in the item, from projecting into areas of a fitted item with a Rigidity Map - switch to the Geometry Editor tool, use the Tool Settings pane to put it into Vertex Selection mode, select vertices, and right-click>Geometry Assignment>Create Rigidity Group (you can also set reference vertices which would then control how the rigid area behaved, using some on the chin might work here).

Or you can block certain morphs while leaving others free to project by creating a new property in the beard with the same name as the morph - DS will then not try to create a new morph. That obviously requires that you work out which morphs are causing the issue, get their named from the Parameter Settings dialogue (the gear icon on the slider), then load your beard without fitting it, right-click in the Parameters pane and put it in Edit mode (if it isn't), then right-click>Create New Property and give it the name of one of the morphs you need to block."

Is there anyone on here that knows DAZ well that I could periodically hire to ask a variety of questions to?
This would include being able to answer questions about moving models back and forth between Zbrush and DAZ and Maya and DAZ. I have used DAZ for about three years now.
If so, private message me.

Thank you. :-D


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Hello Christine,
I don't think I have that beard (which one is it?) and is that G8?
I'd rather see a screen capture.
I may be able to help you with ZBrush but I don't have Maya (I think Das has a Daz to Maya bridge).
Hi Xmasrose!
Thank you for answering. :)
Ryanno beard.
It is G8.
Here is a screen capture.
Not sure if you want to see something specific in the screen capture.


  • Salty-Screen-Grab.PNG
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Thank you. Unfortunately I don't have that one but I have others. Let see if I can help you.
Unfortunately it's the evening/night time here. I'll be back in a while.
Selecting the beard can you show the parameters and click on show hidden properties then you'll see which morphs are projected.

Did you try the specific morphs from that beard.

Also you can morph it using GoZ (ZBrush). File--> send to ZBrush. Do your magic and use GoZ to get it back to DS with a morph.


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Thank you Xmasrose. I tried the specific morphs for the beard - Beard Bottom ADJ, Beard Pointed Shape, and Beard Square Shape - they do not fix the issue.
There are age morphs on the body and head that are affecting the beard.
I don't want to change them, because this character needs them.

I want to make the beard not inherit those morphs, if possible.

I don't know if this distortion in the beard is fixable in ZBrush, or at least I would not want to try it.
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OK when selecting the beard, in parameters, under Actor where you see the inherited morphs and lower their value. Begin with the ones from the body if there are any. See if that helps.
Yay! I actually figured it out just before I read this! Thank you! I hope you are available for future questions. Pm me to let me know what you would like to charge.