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A Question about Jewelry

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Very true, and I'm really hoping SuperFly is brought up to the Cycles standards sooner, rather than later.

One of the guys in the Blender class I'm taking (in what little spare time I have) created a great looking sword, and one of the nodes he used when texturing it in Blender doesn't exist in SuperFly. I asked him for a screenshot of his setup, and there is just no way I could get it to look even closely the same in SuperFly.

I've heard others stating they may be moving to Blender for rendering because they're so disappointed in the difference between rendering with SuperFly in Poser, and what can be accomplished with Cyles in Blender. I can understand how they feel, but I'm not ready to give up on Poser just yet. I want to see what the current dev team can get accomplished before dropping it completely. Up until now, the only rendering I do in Blender is to test whatever I'm modeling at the time. I've never tried setting up a full scene for rendering in Blender, so not sure I'd like to even try. The only final render I've ever done in Blender was after following a Blender tutorial, which I have up in my gallery at Renderosity.

That said, however, I'm wondering if setting up a full scene in Poser, and then exporting it to Blender might make that process easier. Hmmm . . .


I never knew her last name, but a girl named Robin usually does that. She's the one who helped Bagginsbill with Matmatic.


It's lying on a plane and a little buried in it. Is a wrist watch considered jewelry? I've spent the morning on one, but I'm stumped as to how to texture the dial.
Oh, defnintely! Go to a jewelry store and you'll see them lined up, in their own case. Always has been that way as far back as I can remember.



So here's my latest. A Tommy Hilfiger ladies watch. Okay, I admit it. I'm putting off the necklaces.


  • braceletwatch.png
    716.7 KB · Views: 226

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
No problem putting off the necklaces. Do what you want to work on first. The necklaces can wait.

As far as the Tommy Hilfiger watch, with a little subdivision, it'll look great. :)


So. I've been kind of out of it today, but I did continue modeling. I made the bust to showcase the necklace on, but the necklace isn't an actual model. I just wanted to try out a pearl shader I found.



Still trying to figure out how to make a necklace. I figured on using the array modifier in Blender, and following a bezier curve, but it doesn't seem to be cooperating.


  • Sample.png
    118.3 KB · Views: 202

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'm liking the way the watch is looking Earl.

As far as necklaces go, I've never tried modeling one, so have no idea how to get it to "hang" properly around a 3D woman's neck. The pearls themselves, however, are looking nice.


I'm liking the way the watch is looking Earl.

As far as necklaces go, I've never tried modeling one, so have no idea how to get it to "hang" properly around a 3D woman's neck. The pearls themselves, however, are looking nice.
As far as anything I can find goes, I'll use both a bezier curve and the array modifier to make the necklace. Making the pearls is easy. I can even make the array modifier work. The problem is in getting it to follow the bezier curve path. I'm also trying to make the necklace dynamic, so each pearl has to be connected, or rather, interlocked, somehow to the previous pearl, like a chain. You can't tell from the previous pic I posted, but that does just that. If I can't get the array to follow the path, I may have to make each pearl individually, which could take some time.


Very do-able. Model beads and string separately. The string is the default dynamic group and the beads are soft decorated. I've made numerous dynamic jewelry props over the years using this formulae.


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
For pricey beads, the string is knotted between each bead.
And I believe that nearly always includes pearls. They're usually not on a chain.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Very true, as that's how my pearls are connected.

The good part about that is, if the string breaks at any point, you don't lose all the pearls in a heap on the floor. Trust me . . . been there, done that. I was very happy only one or two of the pearls came off in my hand.

Of course, you don't have to worry about that in 3D, unless you want it as part of a scene. ;)


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
I had my string of amethyst beads break, and still have the two parts and the one bead that's loose. Yep, that's EXACTLY why they're knotted...when each bead is pricey by itself.


Crap; I need to find a file type that uploads here. I did a quick sim to show you what I mean. If one was particularly into self destruction, the knots can be modeled into the string. At that point The work involved for the cloth room settings would be mind numbing.


Well, I don't wear or own any pearls, so I did not know that. The only ones I've ever seen were from my mother and I know those weren't real pearls. I'm halfway done with the "stringing" as I've had to do it manually, but it may be rather timesuming, but I suppose I could go back and change the links to string knots.