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A Question about Jewelry


Is this what you are looking to do. Sorry about the size of the gif


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Well, I'm still finishing up the pearls for the necklace, right now. and I need to make a clasp. I figured out how to change the links to knots, but in order to make the necklace dynamic, I'm going to have to do what parkdalegardener said and add a string somehow.


Okay, so I finished making the necklace, but I'm still not finished. Going to try Blender's Dynamics on it in the morning and see how that works out. Then we'll see about making the string with knots.


  • busted.png
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Blender's Dynamics system is the only one I find more complex than Poser's. Couldn't get it to work, so... I did another render. I may have call a flag on this play and move on.


  • bustedtwo.png
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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I don't think I've ever tried anything dynamic in Blender, so will have to take your word about it's complexity.


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
If it's an obj file you could do dynamics in Poser. You were going to send it there for the art project anyhow, correct? The dynamics are different. I believe that having the pearls linked to the string (parented?) would keep them on in there. (the pearls are all one figure, right? as the string/chain is all one figure?)


Line of spheres boolean with a cylinder to make the solid beads with holes. You can use a modifier to place instanced spheres into a circle and hollow the whole works with a torus. Many ways to go but remember if you want real world physics, you need real world geometry to apply it to. The big problem are the knots in the cord. Deformation.


Beads have to be separate objs. It won't work if they are all one obj. Parenting won't work. They have to be placed into the soft decorated group to keep from deforming.
If it's an obj file you could do dynamics in Poser. You were going to send it there for the art project anyhow, correct? The dynamics are different. I believe that having the pearls linked to the string (parented?) would keep them on in there. (the pearls are all one figure, right? as the string/chain is all one figure?)


Making a knot in Blender is not an issue. I've done it before and just finished watching the video again to see how it was done. Again, I'm still having trouble making the arrays follow a path in Blender, but if I could do that, I could create an array of pearls, with an array of knots positioned between them.


The knots must be part of the string obj. if you want dynamics as shown above. They will deform just like the string. If you do not want the knots to deform with the string they must be removed from the default group and the sim must calculate between them. This will make an insane pile of calculations to create the dynamics for any given shot.

Again; just lay the spheres in a straight line and run a single tube through the whole lot to create the holes.

Replace tube used for cutting with string.

Place clasp on each end.

Set grouping for dynamics.

Allow Poser's dynamics to create the base shape you need. Open or closed string of beads.

Knots can be modeled into the string between the beads if necessary. Personally I would model them as the beads with the string passing through them and place both beads and knots in the same soft_decorated group.