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Seam Guides for La Femme

Seam Guides for La Femme 2023-08-07

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These guides were derived from the original LaFemme and will (probably) not be relevant to LaFemme 2.

I used Stitch Witch to make the guides, ably aided and abetted by UVMapper Pro and Paint Shop Pro.

The head, torso and limb guides are sized at 4096 x 4096 pixels, but can of course be resized to suit your preferred map resolution.

The eye and lash maps are 1024 x 1024 pixels since you're unlikely to need them larger. In any case they don't contain any seams, so they're just templates really, included for completeness.

The eye template does not show the EyeSurface material to make it easier to use. This is because the eye mapping page is the only one where materials are overlapped, which confuses things no end. EyeSurface would usually be a procedural material with no image maps anyway.
English Bob
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