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Cat Toys

Poser Cat Toys 1

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I'm a lifelong dog lover who's allergic to cats, so I've never had one, but after looking for cat toy references online, I thought a fuzzy mouse and a fish with dangly bits of yarn would be the easiest to make. (With a softer-looking texture, the polyhedra ball from my Dog Toys, Set 1 could also be a cat toy.) I tried making something with dangling feathers, but I couldn't produce a feather trans map I was happy with, so that kind of toy will have to wait until later!

Package includes 2 props in PP2 and OBJ format and 14 material presets in MT5 format.

Set up in Poser Pro 11 but should work in earlier versions of Poser from 9 and up. Not tested in DAZ Studio but should work fine with manually-applied shaders. Modeled & mapped in Cheetah3D for Mac.

Hope you find these useful!

Promo Credits: Mill Cat (left and center) and HW House Cat (right).

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