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Where No Man Has Gone

Where No Man Has Gone

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Oh! That kind of thing has soured me on the idea of fan art. I'll let others do it and take the risk!
Oh! That kind of thing has soured me on the idea of fan art. I'll let others do it and take the risk!
Of all the things I could have been, here I am working in a program hardly any one knows any thing about, crying over the loss of my hands and making art that no one knows what to call it.. They make me leave out two windows and forbid me to call out the name. Little do they know I kept those two windows, got em in my pocket right now....lol
Loss of hands? I hope that was a metaphor. In such a niche hobby, and limited audience, how did they ever find out about your render?

Loss of hands? I hope that was a metaphor. In such a niche hobby, and limited audience, how did they ever find out about your render?

I was making a stupid joke of the society we now find ourselves living in... well really not so stupid.. the stupid part is the way we are being treated and controlled... You scream, grab your sniper rifle or you laugh at them.....loudly I was banned from renderousity for showing a bit of butt crack on a little boy in a render... well the banned part came in when I refused to modify it and become rather rude about being asked to modify my render...lol Sorry if you thought I was being serious, but in a way I was....
I was making a stupid joke of the society we now find ourselves living in... well really not so stupid.. the stupid part is the way we are being treated and controlled... You scream, grab your sniper rifle or you laugh at them.....loudly I was banned from renderousity for showing a bit of butt crack on a little boy in a render... well the banned part came in when I refused to modify it and become rather rude about being asked to modify my render...lol Sorry if you thought I was being serious, but in a way I was....
As far as losing the use of my hands I was not joking, I now type with one finger and even that finger makes involuntary moments... I have a degree in art but I can no longer do any art work except 3D on computer for which I am forever thankful as that means I still have my voice, I can still speak in my native tongue so to say....
Oh, sorry! Is it a nerve issue? Don't mean to be nosy, just curious, since you mentioned it.
Well it is like this, VA will treat you but they do little to diagnose you, there is no pity as they view non-service related disabilities as self inflicted so they won't tell you much except the big guilt trip. I'll stop there because from that point I'll sound like both judge and jury and I am a christian...But I know I have corporeal tunnel system, neuropathy, and althrightus, damage to blood vessals and four heart attacks which in military terms means, I am suicidal, because of course I did all this to myself...Hell of it is we all do it to ourselves if you really think about it.... All this I think has made me a better artist, It took me almost ten years to stop feeling sorry for myself and really spend some quailty time in my 3d programs that I had won in an art contest. Course all this will be in my book titled "Bildo Baddin's really screws up his life and THEN writes about it!" lol ut my story is shared by many here. I grew up as an artist piggy backing on many of the artist's here... My creative juices flow from the artists here....
Oh, I'm sorry to hear all that! Glad you push through it, though!

I haven't done any 3D art in quite a while now. Just uninspired, down about a lot of things, etc. Lately, I've been doing some workworking. I recently started to think that I can do some things. So I've bought a DeWalt router kit that has a fixed base and a plunge base. I have a very small space in which to work. I have a Black & Decker WorkMate. It is a foldup work table that has clamping abilities. I built a router table top that I clamp onto the WorkMate. I just finished the build recently, and the other day I used it for the first time. It will be a learning curve, but I was fairly happy with my first go. I've used the router standalone, of course, actually in the build of the table top. I made some mistakes, but recovered from them and it came out fairly nice. Never did anything quite this involved before, as far as building something. But I refinished the basement wainscotting. We had a pipe burst in the basement, had mold on the drywall and on the beadboard, had ServiceMaster come and they cut out a lot of the wall, pulled out the insulation due to mold and I had to pull out the beadboard and the insulation behind it. I replaced all the insulation with recycled denim insulation. I got new beadboard and re did the entire installation. I couldn't match the existing stuff, so I pulled it all out and replace it all. I put some of the salvaged stuff in the other side of the basement, where Diane's office and laundry room are. And I made a shelf for the cable/Internet routers that hides all the wiring behind them. I still have more work to do on the finishing. Ran out of money. I have some left from tax returns and "stimulus" money, so I'm hoping to be able to get the chair rail, base trim, corner molding and cove, a few more boards of beadboard (ran out of that, too, due to a couple of mistakes and inaccurate calculations of the number of boards needed.

I do need to get back to 3D, though. I am reinstalling things, had a hard drive crash and am not all set up again, yet. I also purchased Poser Pro 11 upgrade, but haven't installed it yet. I was mostly in DAZ |Studio. But that has changed so much it will be a learning curve, also. But with both, I'll be able to make things that work in both. And maybe that will help with my site. It's difficult getting vendors to join and stick around. Faery_Light has put up some things recently. I haven't heard from her in a couple of weeks. I'm concerned for her health. I've been struggling to get the site going for a few years. I get a vendor, things start going well, I have a few sales...then, they just don't show up anymore. One quit doing it because he saw his characters being used in soft porn stuff and was discouraged. Glitterati3D got frustrated with sales everywhere and pulled her stuff from all stores. Some have told me they'd sell at my site, then never mentioned it again. It's a struggle. And better known small sites keep closing. PoserAddicts is the latest in that trend

Well, enough about that.

Be well,

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