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Split Barding
That looks great! Excuse my ignorance, but couldn't you just cut out the middle like a poncho? that would let the girth go round, and still fill in the gap, it ought to drape correctly, right? I'm dertainly not an expert! Love the fleur de Lys
@Dakorillon If this was real fabric, probably, although I've looked at lots and lots of pictures of jousting and this is one of the common styles of how the fabric barding is made. When it comes to dynamics, if I were to try and cut out a hole and then constrain it to hold it in place around the saddle, too often it just becomes a mess and the collisions don't look good. I actually thought of 'cutting out' a small hole to let the straps on the saddle go through, but it just created a mess. Actually on the full length one you can use it with the saddle, although you don't want it to try to collide. You really only have minor touch ups to do, that can be easily handled with the morph brush, and possibly not even those depending on if you have a ridder and where they are sitting.
@Gadget Girl Thank you for clarifying that! I don't work with Poser, or dynamics in DAZ, yet, so I wasn't sure how it would work. But, like I said, the split set is very cool just as it is.

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Medieval Finery for the Hivewire Horse
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Gadget Girl
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