• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

ShareCG now selling stuff?

Well, I got the "ShareCG now has a store" email and I have to say I am unimpressed.

2 things stand out to me:
1) they take 30% of every sale for doing nothing and;
2) the seller is responsible for all credit card fraud when we have no control over security at ShareCG.

I never planned to sell anything over there, but I would never do so just based on those 2 "rules."

2 is a no-go. And I highly doubt that this will stand in any court. If someone wants 30% of my money, they need to do something in return for that. That's dilettantish!!
And speaking of keeping stuff free...
While I believe it is an artist's prerogative to do with their work as they please, I recently noticed that one person who has been there at least ten years and had a huge library... I mean HUGE, there had to be at least thirty or more pages of stuff...
They removed all their free stuff and now only offer stuff for sale...
And kinda at an unrealistic price too.
But I suppose that is their choice, but it kinda sucks... Whatever... Maybe they were soured on the whole "free" thing or had a bad experience... Who knows.

I think everyone who visited there regularly, noticed that....kinda hard to miss.


Dances with Bees
2 is a no-go. And I highly doubt that this will stand in any court. If someone wants 30% of my money, they need to do something in return for that. That's dilettantish!!

LOL, too true. And, quite frankly, I don't see ShareCG and particularly secure. No one cared when it was just freebies, but I'm gonna guess when financial info starts trading hands, lots of folks are gonna care.

When you ask me to fill out a W9 which contains my real name, my home address and my social security number, you better be willing to secure it.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
When you ask me to fill out a W9 which contains my real name, my home address and my social security number, you better be willing to secure it.
Willing AND able to secure it. Just willing doesn't cut it anymore.


I got that email too...
So a chargeback or fraud is the seller's problem, eh?
Kinda accentuates "the flea market in an abandoned factory" feeling.
"You can sell your stuff here, but if the roof falls in on you or the rats maul you, it's your problem.."
Why in the hell would anyone want to deal with that hassle?
I'd rather go the extra step and do a model professionally and sell it at a regular 3D webstore, then risk so unforeseen financial shenanigans being dumped in my lap...
Maybe nobody is reading that part?

One of my very weird traits is my stupid brain will run a background search function regardless of whether I click "abort"... I suppose this eats up available RAM, but I'm afraid to delete the feature because I might forget how to eat pork chops or something...
But earlier today (while I was climbing a ladder) it finished retrieving the name of the original president of ShareCG... David Heller
So with that I was able to find an old blog "Open Letter" from 2012 (though the site has it filed under 2007, which is stupid because all the reply comments are from 2012... And I don't think I was a member until 2008, yet I'm pretty sure I got the letter as an email)...
But anyway... quoting David Heller aka "CG Guy":

"ShareCG was conceived in 2007 at my son Jacob’s insistence. Jake’s now a lawyer, but even then his debate skills and logical thinking convinced us that there was a need to develop an open sharing site to bring together worldwide artists and animators of all levels of expertise. Our goal was to provide a friendly and graphical platform that would be easy to use and perfect for presenting art, animation, 3D models and for delivering tutorials and other educational materials to help the site’s users display their creative achievements and become more proficient in their craft."

Oddly enough, that was from an open letter about changing the site to a $ subscription site, an idea that obviously didn't work out...

I don't know what that had to do with anything, but I guess I was so happy that one of the searches actually retrieved the data it was looking for, I had to share it.
But anyway... quoting David Heller aka "CG Guy":

"ShareCG was conceived in 2007 at my son Jacob’s insistence. Jake’s now a lawyer, but even then his debate skills and logical thinking convinced us that there was a need to develop an open sharing site to bring together worldwide artists and animators of all levels of expertise. Our goal was to provide a friendly and graphical platform that would be easy to use and perfect for presenting art, animation, 3D models and for delivering tutorials and other educational materials to help the site’s users display their creative achievements and become more proficient in their craft."

Oddly enough, that was from an open letter about changing the site to a $ subscription site, an idea that obviously didn't work out...

I don't know what that had to do with anything, but I guess I was so happy that one of the searches actually retrieved the data it was looking for, I had to share it.

I remember that mail as well. I think they should have done the subscription plan.

But going back to the
"the seller is responsible for all credit card fraud when we have no control over security at ShareCG."

Jake's a lawyer?????? really?????? Then he should now that this won't stand in a court w/o them providing the necessary security.
On second thought; maybe he got his law degree from ShareCG himself...... *where's that Sarcasm emote? I need it here....*


Dances with Bees
I remember that mail as well. I think they should have done the subscription plan.

But going back to the
"the seller is responsible for all credit card fraud when we have no control over security at ShareCG."

Jake's a lawyer?????? really?????? Then he should now that this won't stand in a court w/o them providing the necessary security.
On second thought; maybe he got his law degree from ShareCG himself...... *where's that Sarcasm emote? I need it here....*

We all know the 3D marketplace has some seriously unsavory characters lurking (just check any torrent!). So what's stopping any of these folks from "buying" a model and doing an immediate chargeback? Nothing, absolutely nothing.
We all know the 3D marketplace has some seriously unsavory characters lurking (just check any torrent!). So what's stopping any of these folks from "buying" a model and doing an immediate chargeback? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

That's true, unfortunately. (I don't do any torrents, not even legal ones like certain software releases etc)
Nothing! That's why I'm wondering about a certain vendor going there.....

Didn't get the mail with the details for their shop; so I actually was trying to go thru setup in order to find out (before this thread was started) and then came across the point: we need to verify your paypal account with a charge. Huh??? They already did that when I signed up there years ago and they paid their users for their shared free stuff. That means, they aren't even keeping track of their own work. Very trustworthy (NOT)!!! So I stopped right at that point.
My freestuff will stay there as long as they don't do something extremely stupid....


Honestly I'd never trust the concept of "that won't hold up in a court of law"...
If that were a rule of thumb, we wouldn't have clauses like "we reserve the right to change this agreement without notification" or "opt in agreements" that are "finalized" by opening the box (even though there is no mention of any "agreement" outside the box) or my favorite, the one built in to virtually all financial agreements where you agree to give up the right to be part of a class action lawsuit no matter how heinous the act against you was (the only option being an individual lawsuit against a party with way more resources).
When all these sort of shenanigans began (primarily in the early '00s... Not to say, it didn't exist before, but I'm talking the really toxic, blatant, mind blowing stuff), when that started it was usually buried in pages of legalese double talk...
(I know, I actually read contracts and license agreements) but at this point things have gotten so bad they hardly even try to hide the nonsense because the general feeling is
1- nobody cares and 2- you don't have a choice anyway...
The legal system of late tends to look at consumer rights as a disease that needs to eradicated... Look at what happened yesterday to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau...
Mind blown... And to think one guy argued he voted against the CFPB "for the children, so they can have a better future".
But yeah, as it stands, nothing that seems a logical argument even matters anymore.
It comes down to who's lawyers are bigger.
Basically, don't rely on the law and don't bring a toothpick to a lightsaber duel.

I wasn't mocking the sentiment I was responding to, I'm just so disappointed by the state of affairs the digital world and the real world is heading towards its unbelievable...
Literally... I've always been skeptical, yet each day something comes to light that I'm actually surprised by the audacity of.
Honestly I'd never trust the concept of "that won't hold up in a court of law"...

Can't say I know the US law system that well, I hadn't had to file a lawsuit in it. I do have a lawyer, but usually they have to just check contracts or deal with forms I have no idea about what they actual want....
I know European lawsystem much better; the EU commission tends to file several competition proceeding against big firms due to Consumer rights/choices. May take up years, but usually it ends in a) the firm came up with a solution and the lawsuit was irrelvant after or b) they get a nice hefty fine which can be up to 10% of their annual sales.

I can only shake my head at some of the things that recently happend in the US.....the audacity on some of them is definitely eye-opening; let's say I'm not impressed at all!


Yeah, at least in Europe they have managed to remain somewhat skeptical in regards to claims that regulations and consumer rights are bad for society and consumers...

It's funny... well, actually not at all in the least bit funny... In fact kinda "I wanna cry and break stuff" not funny, but things that I used to use as ridiculous, comical, satirical worst case scenarios... as an over the top joking example... Have actually come to be...
I think, so far the only one that hasn't come to pass is action figures where the head body and limbs are sold separately...
I'm waiting on that one...


McGyver, on Fantasy Attic we talk time to time to freebies of others, because it's always a pleasure to signal them. Few of your stuff is also linked on poserdazfreebies for what I know. So even if Renderosity and Daz want no more your banners, don't worry.

For the person on Sharecg who removed all freebies of the gallery, I know who you want to say...

Their rules are weird to sale there indeed :cautious: After, I did't get their newsletters like I don't want them lollll So I discover now that fact!

After, if Sharecg makes something of stupid for freebies (I hope not too Jeanne), maybe Hivewire can have a little place for them? I don't know function the place and even if it's possible, notice that.
And alas don't believe consumers have real rights in UE, no. In Francefor example, we must go by associations, and "maybe" justice will take in count the issue - if plaint is accepted by police at first. Daily stuff or others. If you can't go in front of the justice of country, you can't go in front of UE justice. So don't expect too much when consumers are against big companies.
Even though I removed my 'free stuff', because I consider those items products, I figured the issue didn't pertain to my renders. So those I just left, and figured SCG was still a good place to post them, since links placed elsewhere return the original image. Then a little bit after removing my free stuff I tried to post a render. It worked OK, but then a couple of days later I got an e-mail stating that my post was 'rejected'.
HA! Sorry SCG, but it is you that has been rejected. Looks like things are getting a bit desperate there. I'll never again log on to that website. I have my own up and running now. But gee, I'm sure gonna miss those adds!
Then a little bit after removing my free stuff I tried to post a render. It worked OK, but then a couple of days later I got an e-mail stating that my post was 'rejected'.
HA! Sorry SCG, but it is you that has been rejected. Looks like things are getting a bit desperate there.

Whoah, that's wicked! Did they gave a reason for the reject?
There was a list of reasons, six if I remember. Didn't pay attention because it looked like they threw the book at me. No matter, don't want to send any hits to that site anyway.