Having further investigated setting up a Content Website of my own, at my Web-Host (which I previously was referring to as 'ISP'), I've decided to use Drupal online instead of MS Visual Studio. It's even easier because of being already a CMS (content management system) and consisting of modules, templates, and prebuilt database. The Web-Host offers 1-click installation
of several good CMS apps, and Drupal is my choice because the full user guide is available in .pdf format so that the App can be studied and understood well before stumbling into an endless loop of trial and error and error and error and error and error blind click approach to getting the site configured and populated. From what I've learned from the guide so far, a user just needs to create an overall plan document (once devised) to refer to when setting up and start the workflow as 'unpublished' until the site is ready, then publish it.
There are also lots of 'contributed' templates that I haven't yet investigated among which might be one almost ideal for 3D content publishing. And once my site is set up and working as a nice 'Freebie Resource' then I can create a template from it to share with other artists who are wanting to get their own sites and can use Drupal. The default OS and Server for it are Linux/Apache.
So back to my studies of Drupal and the database...
of several good CMS apps, and Drupal is my choice because the full user guide is available in .pdf format so that the App can be studied and understood well before stumbling into an endless loop of trial and error and error and error and error and error blind click approach to getting the site configured and populated. From what I've learned from the guide so far, a user just needs to create an overall plan document (once devised) to refer to when setting up and start the workflow as 'unpublished' until the site is ready, then publish it.
There are also lots of 'contributed' templates that I haven't yet investigated among which might be one almost ideal for 3D content publishing. And once my site is set up and working as a nice 'Freebie Resource' then I can create a template from it to share with other artists who are wanting to get their own sites and can use Drupal. The default OS and Server for it are Linux/Apache.
So back to my studies of Drupal and the database...