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The Anchorage, Part 3


Contributing Artist
I with you both on that Lorraine and Satira...it's accepted part of educational theory now that we learn through the mistakes we make.

Hey Lorraine, if part of New Zealand is submerged does that mean we should have been looking there for Atlantis all this time.;);):laugh:

Interesting though...


Didn't you know Pen? Lorraine is secretly the Queen of Atlantis! ;)

I should think Lorraine, that New Zealand being the largest part of it above water and possession being nine parts of the law, I guess International Law makes it yours! Given the billions of dollars worth of natural resources they reckon are waiting down there you Kiwi's are suddenly going to find yourselves with an awful lot of new friends in the not too distant future. Forget the French and their cheap wine! They'll be pleading with you to accept whole vineyards! Mind you, they can keep the cheese. My stomach still revolts at the memory of a piece of French cheese I ate, (can't remember it's name but it tasted like a sorts of nutty, semi-liquid poo!) and that was forty years ago! :whistling:


You know I think we really need to work out a standard Hive time system to help poor souls (like me) to avoid confusion! A sort of Hivewire GMT (Good Morning Time). I reckon that if all the Hivers around the world take accurate note of the time in their location when it's exactly midnight at Greenwich (or when the first light of day touches the top of the sundial in the Garden of a Thousand Earthly Delights, or when Sans Souci points due east at sunrise in her eternal rotation about her anchor rope, whatever) we can average it out and declare the result Hive Midnight and so on for ever more! I mean how hard can it be? We could even ask Chris and Lisa to include a small clock on the Homepage set to that time to ensure we don't get mixed up simply by logging in (and who needs an excuse to do that?) After all those poor folks in the US already have a number of timezones in operation and they do OK! Right! 'Nuff said! It's 8.46 pm here so (based on Greewich, GoaTED's sundial, San Souci, etc) that means it's, ah, scribble, scribble, take away 1, divide by pi...............Blummin heck! It's 10 past Easter! :geek: :confused:

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
So ... looks like we have some trumped up controversy here in my area regarding a St. Joseph's University professor's comments after the election. St. Joseph's University is a private, coeducational Roman Catholic Jesuit university which sprawls over 100 acres. My apartment building is within the campus, and we have both university staff and students living in the building.

Jesse Watters of Fox News misrepresented Dr. Perry's comments, claiming he "attacked Trump during a class where the professor teaches future journalists." In interviewing St Joseph's students who were not at the event, he asked how they felt about the professor stating during a lecture that "Donald Trump is going to kill Americans." Needless to say, based on the inaccurate information they were given, the students felt the remarks were inappropriate and not representative of the university.

Watters further claimed St. Joseph's University didn't respond to a request for comment on Dr. Parry's remarks. The remarks were not made during a lecture, but at a pre-planned post-election forum (Making Sense of the Presidential Election on November 10), where he was one of five speakers addressing the outcome of the election. Dr. Parry is an Associate Professor and Chair of Communications Studies and does not teach journalism classes. This information was given to Fox News, but was not included in Fox News report. After his remarks, Dr. Perry talked with students for 90 minutes. The recording was made and distributed without Dr. Perry's permission ... which is prohibited by St. Joseph's.

What Dr. Perry actually said was that people may die because of "direct state violence when the state intervenes in communities that are not white communities." Certainly, that is a risk anytime the police or the National Guard respond to situations involving demonstrators. Not like any demonstration hasn't ever evolved into a riot. It doesn't even have to evolve into a riot for people to die.

He also said people may die because of "state-backed violence" in the repeal of the Affordable Care Act or the rollback of policies that protect people with disabilities. Again ... repealing the ACA or policies that protect people with disabilities will result in demonstrations, and there is entirely too much anger and too much hate in the US right now. It's also rather likely that should people lose health care insurance because the ACA is repealed, people may die because they are unable to get treatment or medication.

The 2-1/2 minute Fox clip was heavily edited with 5-1/2 minutes removed ... which isn't all that uncommon, but what was left was altered with sentences providing context cut and words reordered resulting in a message rather different from what Dr. Perry actually said.

Honestly, my impression after listening to the full tape was that he was reassuring those who felt angry and scared at the idea of Trump as president that it was ok for them to be angry and scared.

The problem is that the BF is a wee bit of a conservative, while I'm a wee bit of a liberal. (wee bit is a massive understatement in both cases) While Michael does have some concerns about Trump, those all kinda fly out the window because Trump is "The President," as if that makes him sacred ... or sane. Like a president can't ever be a crook /cough. Michael also gives far more weight to Fox News than anyone ever should.

You really wouldn't believe that both of us come from the same generation ... though perhaps me being a couple years old than him (and West Coast, while he's East Coast) makes us a generation or more apart. He's definitely the Cleaver generation, while I'm more the Fonda generation o_O


"It's also rather likely that should people lose health care insurance because the ACA is repealed, people may die because they are unable to get treatment or medication."

People who only make $10/hour or less are being required by the government to spend $400/month on health insurance. Where are they supposed to get that kind of money and still pay their bills?
A co-worker has insurance through her husband's employer but the deductible is $4000. Since her hopothyroidism is the only major health problem between them this means that they have to scrape together all of the money to pay for her labs themselves which must be done several times a year.

The Affordable Care Act didn't fix the health system. It changed where it's broken. While more people do have insurance than ever before many don't have any money left over after paying for said insurance to actually get health care.
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Contributing Artist
We grumble about our health system but reading what people post about America's makes me glad that we have such a good system. It does have it's faults but no one would be left to die if they didn't have the money...mind you with the liberals in power who knows what it will end up like.
I really appreciate the ACA as a person that has had cancer. I cannot be denied coverage while it lasts and I really don't mind paying a deductible. Which once you pay it your out of pocket expenses are basically nil. I think government supported healthcare should just be for real emergencies. Not for out of pocket to get a test for your thyroid, which by the way I have to have regularly and it is not very expensive even without any insurance ($39 dollars when I just checked.)

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
If It Were My Home is a cool site where you can compare living in one country to another.

For example, if I were to live in Australia instead of the US ...

Or if I lived in Australia and were to live in the US instead.

If I lived in New Zealand instead of the US

Or Ireland instead of the US

Canada instead of the US

Or ... a country no one really wants to live in currently

And ... the country rated as the worst country in the world

Laos is landlocked and the 44th poorest nation in the world with an oppressive communist regime and declining economy and infrastructure.

Some of the statistics don't make much sense, such as if I were to live in a country without easy access to electricity ... duh. Of course, I'd spend 90+% less on electricity.

Also, depending on where you live in the US, you might be rather likely to be unemployed, murdered, or sick compared to if you lived in another state. Living in Tennessee, I'd be more likely to be murdered than if I lived in Hawaii (or Oregon). I'd be far more likely to be living in poverty if I lived in Mississippi (22% poverty rate), whereas if I lived in New Hampshire (8.2% poverty rate), I'd be least likely to live in poverty. Overall, Mississippi is considered to be the worst state to live in according to 24/7 Wall St with the highest poverty rate, 5th highest unemployment rate, and lowest life expectancy at birth (74.5 years). Massachusetts is considered the best state to live in, with the 14th lowest poverty rate, 8th lowest unemployment rate, and 5th highest live expectancy at birth (80.2 years). New Hampshire is rated third, with the lowest poverty rate, 2nd lowest unemployment rate (2.8%), and 7th highest life expectancy at birth (79.9 years).

24/7 Wall St. only considered three social and economic measures ... poverty rate, educational attainment, and life expectancy at birth. They didn't take into consideration something I consider important ... which is a person's rights. Because of the emphasis on state's rights, how well protected a person is based on race, religion, gender, gender/sexual identity can vary greatly between states. It should not matter what state I live in in the US ... I should have the same rights whether I'm male, female, black, white, h, lgbt, christian, muslim, human, or alien from offworld ... or anything else.