
It's a right brain, left brain sort of thing.
I'm at that point, the scene is all set up, the characters in their places, time for the final touches. Got to
adjust those eyes, she's supposed to be looking at the door.... ok good, got it. 'Better make sure' the inner
geek whispers in my ear. Oh, all right, use the face camera, pan out and around to inside the door. Uh oh,
the eyes aren't looking at the door/face camera. 'Glad I thought of that' the geek says. Hmphh..well, adjust
the eyes, now, there we are. Back to the main camera. The eyes are not looking at the door. They're
looking downward. Time to throw the geek out the window. He doesn't belong here. Got to get rid of him for
a while so I can be artistic.